Abbreviated B/S Need Input
Hi, I am planning to file my account in the Companies House through webfiling this month.In fact, there was no trading activities in this accounting period though given the fact that the last-filed accounts were small company, abbreviated accounts, exempt from being audited which is not dorman...
vat on flights
Hi all, Is there vat on flight usually? Regards, Tony
New client -extra income from a flat
Hi Everyone, I have just taken on another new client this evening and he has been self-employed for 4/5 years, hes not very big although will have to probably go VAT reg this year. He is a Sole trader. He does his own SA on line although I will have a look at these in more detail when I come of holiday in Sept...
year end report
hello, the following nominal codes are included in the year end report 4000 4002 5000 6201 7102 7103 7304 7502 7900 7901 9998 3200 nc 7000 rent is not included ; isn't that part of year end; also is it possible to change chart of accounts or the ones included in year end are included automatically. regar...
MS Accounting - Invoice numbers
Hi, I'm using MS Accounting at work for our sundry debtors system, and on Fri I tried to raise some invoices and on trying to save got the message "invoice number already in use, given number xxxx instead." It happened for the next 4 numbers in the sequence, and the result is that I've got 4 num...
Purchase invoice question
We received a purchase invoice that we then paid. It transpired that the purchase invoice wasn't actually for us so the company sent us a cheque to repay the payment. I can't figure out how to treat the transaction. Do I leave the invoice on the purchase ledger as the supplier account is at a nil balance...
Hosting Foreign Students - Tax free income?
Hi, I have a client who is self employed, but his wife and him have income totalling £3900 for hosting foreign students. Am I right in that this income is tax free? If so, does it need to be mentioned anywhere on the Tax Return. I don't deal with tax, my client does his own TR, so wanted to advise him correct...
Accountants Figures Incomplete
Hi all. What can be done in the following scenario? A bookkeeper takes on a new client at the start of a new financial year, but discovers that the accountant's end of year figures do not take account of things like closing stock, company vehicle value, petty cash on hand at year end, creditors, etc....
Changing accountants
Hi all first time user and I need some advice. I'm in the process of taking on a new client and their circumstances are slightly complicated. The orginal owner of the business passed away in May 2011 and his sister is now trying to sort out his estate as she wants to carry on with the business by setting up...
Licensed premises, pub/bar
Hi I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I have just been approached about a potential opportunity to do the bookkeeping for a licensed premises (pub/bar), and I was wondering whether there is anything that I should specifically be aware of. Thanks for your help Regards Mark
Tax code notices
I have taken over the bookkeeping of a business that runs 2 payroll schemes. They have received coding notices for both scheme splitting the employees allowances but they have ignored these. Everyone is on a tax code of 747L on one scheme and BR on the other. Is this acceptable or should we be using the...
Cheque Signing Limits
Hi all First post here, although I have lurked as I have found the answers to many questions through this forum. I am the book keeper for my husbands limited company; I can sign cheques up to £1000 but over that value my husband has to counter sign. Really cross with myself because I forgot to ask him to c...
Existing Partnership now a limited company
Hi all, I need to prepare the accounts for a client who changed to a limited company part way through his financial year. I need to prepare partnership accounts to date of incorporation. Regarding the closing balances of the partnership, can these be brought in as opening balances on the limited comp...
Sage 50 Accounts 2011
Hi Guys, Im currently studying sage 50 accounts as part of my course, just finished day 1 yesterday and baffled by it a little. Anyway my question is i have to visit the training centre to do the course which is a 2 hour round trip which is fine but what i wondered is how much is it roughly to buy Sage 50 2011 a...
not-for-profits, donations & tax
Hi, I work with number of not-for-profits (they are companies limited by guarantee and not registered charities). I have had conflicting advice about whether or not donations (made by individuals) are considered a taxable income or not. I can find nothing on the HMRC website to confirm or deny. An...
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
I was contracted to do an internal audit on a multinational company, however their accounts on this side of the sea is a total mess. It has me questioning everything fundemental principle I know. So I need some support with respect to confirming my ideas or correction where needed. Now the company ha...
Sage 50 Accounts 2012
This is due for release this week, and I just sat the dealers new features course this morning. I tweeted details of the most useful new features to my @siliconbullet account, and am about to do a summary on the company facebook page too if anyone is interested. The features I thought would be most usef...
Haridressers accounts
hi guys, just stumbled across this website and thought i'd ask for some advice. my friend has recently opened a salon and has asked me to do her accounts as i'm AAT qualified (not registered though) am i ok to do her accounts or not? i'm not charging her for it (just doing it out of the goodness of my heart an...
New and need some help
Hi New Just come across this site fist can i say i am not a Bookkeeper so hope its ok to ask for some help. i started my business April 2010 and purchased a copy of Sage accounts and i have been following the book that i got with it . So i could do my own accounts and all has been ok. I got behind with my...
....Nearly there
Good evening all, I can't believe it's all happened so quickly, but in the space of around 2 weeks, I have gone from deciding this is what I want to do with my life, to reading literally any online guidance I could find.... to being on the verge of being IAB qualified. I have filled out all the application f...