Old Invoice
Hi All, I need some guidance if possible on the following issue which I have been trying to tackle but just cant seem to fathom out My clients company made a payment to a supplier for which I had no outstanding invoices for.On checking with my clients they advised it was in fact for an outstanding old invo...
Profit and Loss for machinery
I have been asked to do a profit and loss based on a peice of machinery which cost £46000 excluding VAT and work out how much we have paid off it using the profit. If that makes sense. So every month what we made in hiring this out, taking out the expenditure of drivers wages, getting the machinery moved to e...
Provisions at Year End
Guys/Ladies, Something not had to do previously, so wanted to ask advice on how/where to post. Our year end has passed and we have received invoices from a regular supplier covering period to year end and one is missing. Assuming this is noticed at a later date and subsequently invoiced, how should I m...
Posting van purchases in sage 50
We have purchased two vans one directly through a financial leasing company the other we purchased and then sold to the leasing company. How do I enter these into sage! -- Edited by ce1 on Thursday 2nd of June 2011 08:01:27 AM
Error on Invoice
I was engaged to do some work for another company and it was agreed that the work would be completed on an hourly basis. Part of the work included supplying material and also plant and equipment which again would be hired at either an hourly or daily rate. In submitting the invoice I indicated the hours f...
Extended Trial Balance Wont Balance in P& and Balance column help!!!!l
Hi all im a new user to this website and its great to be able to have others who can point me in the right direction, Im hoping to get some much needed help as im so stuck on my extended trial balance, which wont add up in the p&l or Balance. I have attched the Extended Trial Balance and the Journal adju...
Sage 50 - how do I correct a Journal transaction please?
Hi there, I wonder if anyone could help please: I use Sage 50, and there is a depreciation transaction I entered in the wrong nominal ledger code, it should be: JC 0041 Fixture & Fittings £100 JD 8002 Depreciation F&F £100 but I entered as JC 0041 Fixture & Fittings £100 JD 0042 Depreciati...
Corporation Tax - Payment Reference No.
Morning all, I have a client who needs to pay their Corporation Tax and they would like to pay online via the HMRC system with Santander. The problem is that the Payment Reference No. is made up as follows: Ten Digit UTR / A / 6 Digits The Ten Digit UTR is fine, as is the A Reference the problem we are having...
Sole Trader - Accounts
Hi I'm a VAT registered sole trader. I'm doing my own bookkeeping using online system. I've got a separate business bank account but has been using it to pay for my personal expenses (shopping, paying personal bills etc). What is the proper way of entering these transactions? Shall I enter them as dra...
First client and COA
Hi, I've just found myself a first client, hooray! I am setting their COA, I know you're all very helpful, so I just wondered if anyone (experienced) could have a look at it and see if the Chart is ok, please? Thank you!
ACCA Revising
Hi Shaun How is the Acca revising going, must say those old Acca 2002 books you have recommended are a great help in my studying, must say they don't write books like this anymore. Have been learning extended trial balances all weekend, just getting my head around adjustments find this quite interest...
Working Methodology Behind Turning Cash Basis Records Into Accrual Final Accounts & Tax Return?
Hi, I'm wondering how you might work if you receive the above. What processes do you go through. What do you start with? What documents do you create on the way to acceptable accrual accounting tax return figures? How does it vary when receiving a manual cash book or computer records? To make it simpl...
Shaun UK
Accounting for Deposits
Can anyone help me with accounting for deposits. When VAT is accounted for and what invoices need to be raised and when. Where the deposit sits in the accounts etc. If possible please answer the query as if using SAGE as this would be a great help. Thanks in advance
Accruals in Sage
I have found the instructions in Sage of how to post accruals over x months - for example for my utility bills which are coming in quarterly. However, I cannot find any instructions of how to deal with the actual payment to the supplier. Do i make a credit to the Accruals NC? How does Sage marry up the ac...
Invoice posting query. Accruals/Prepayment. End of Year
Hi all. I'm having a dodgy brain, lack of sleep day. Im doing the books for a company and some end of year stuff for the accountant. This year they are working on manual books, but I'm moving it all to spreadsheet for 11/12. The accountant has said I could have ago at the a&p's and what have you. I'm als...
Shaun UK
Debt collection costs
Helloooooo everyone! I have charged debt collection costs and interest for an overdue invoice - and been paid it! My customer account now looks overpaid - do I open an account in the nominal called "Debt collection costs" and raise an invoice to this account? If so - where in the nominal s...
Susie Sue
Question about Sage Instant Accounts - please help me
Hi ladies and gents, I wonder if anyone could help me: I am using Sage Instant Accounts at the moment and going through the "Bill Penn" practice, as I go along, I was required to produce "A trial Balance as at 30 June 2005" (the financial year is 2005 in this practice), now my questi...
Help with sage.
Hi everyone, I need a little help with sage, I am using sage for my own accounts, I invoiced a customer on the last day of my financial year 31st March, consequently showing on my balance sheet was an outstanding debtors amount, I then banked the money on the 7th April, the new financial year, but if I loo...
Exchange Gain move to next Financial Year
Hi, I am sure this is overly simple, but wanted to check I was going to do this correctly. We have made a pre-payment for some goods that will not be delivered to us until July of this year and havng posted this payment there is a sizeable exchange gain created in our books. Issue is that our year-end in 31.5...
A Level Accounting
Evening everybody A question to ask, my son wants to do an A Level in accounting via home learning have you any recommendations on which provider to choose from. He has searched on the internet and found one which seems pretty good UK Open Learning, any advice would be much appreciated. Sue