Car expenses
Morning everyone, I have a client and i'm doing his tax return, he has included a bill for repairs made to his car, he'd like to claim some if not all of this cost back, is there a percentage of this cost that can be claimed as an expense, the client isn't VAT registered. He paid for the repairs out of...
Views on education
Just writing this message for other people's views on education. In this day and age where jobs are scarce, and you have to change career to go in search of a better job. Do you think education is going down in terms of getting the right information, you pay large amounts to go to college, the tutor waffle...
Car Write Down Allowance
Hi everyone I have my first client after passing my self assessment but I am in need of a little guidance..My client was both employed and self employed during 2010-2011, he had to use his own car for business purposes whilst employed, the company did pay for the running expenses so I don't need to cl...
What is a Subsidiary Ledger?
Hi All, Would someone please explain what a subsidiary ledger is please? Is it a control ccount? or the make-up of the balance sheet? confused!!!! Thank you!
Sorry a computer question
Hi Everyone, Sorry this is not a bookkeeping question but a computer question. I had a thing pop up to say microsoft updates which I normally do, anyway this one was to download Internet exp 9, which my son assured me it was OK. Well its OK but I really don't like it at all. Is there any ways I can go back to...
question about ICB Level I exam - anyone tried please let me know
Hello and good evening there: I just did the Lee Crescent past paper for Level I (the download one from the ICB shop), and noticed it says in the front that "the booklet need to be completed and posted it off no later than a deadline date indicated in a box" - I can see the box but indicates blank....
Personal Finances Service
Hi I was just wondering, does anyone provide a service to individuals who are not self employed? For example, I have been approached by a friend and been asked if I would help them go through their personal finances and help them to budget/cut costs etc due to getting into financial trouble. Does anyon...
Using personal crdit card for business excpenses
I've just started my own business (as a sole trader) and I have been using my own personal credit card to pay for some of the business exspencess. In my accounts I have setup a "creditors" account call "Personal Credit Card", so I Dr exspence account Cr credit card. Then at the en...
Depreciation and trade-ins
What should be the correct procedure for when a vehicle is used as a trade-in? I have this situation where an eight year old van valued at around £450 in the books was being used as a £500 trade in for another van. This new (second hand) van was originally £4750 plus VAT but the invoice now shows £4250 plus V...
I've just had a phone call from an accountant I know from a few years ago. He's asked if I was interested in doing the VAT returns and payroll for a nightclub. A little story to set the scene. About 9 months ago he phoned me asking if I wold be interested in him passing on a couple of possible clients of his for...
Renting a property
Hi Everyone, I have a client who rents out a property, instead of going through an agent who charge I think about 12% management fee for managing the property and making sure the client pays each month, my client is doing all of that herself. All the agent does is charge a one off fee for finding a client...
Question for Shamus
Hi Shaun Hope all is well with you. A question to ask, as I know you have a good collection of accounting books. Can you recommend any good books that cover level 3 in accounting, not the usual ones such as BBP or Kaplan. Many thanks.
Should I Constantly Remind My Clients?
Hi Everyone. I was so happy last month, I signed up 4 new clients and thought that things were looking up. But since signing them up on a monthly basis, none of them have dropped their information off for April. I have sent them email reminders and there always seems to be an excuse. Does anyone else strug...
P35 advice
Hi All, THis is probably a really daft question but I just want to make sure I get this right as it is my first P35- In respect of box 25 (NIC's/Tax already paid) is the amount I enter here the actual total amount paid to HMRC during the tax year or only the amount paid which relates to the NIC/Tax payable fo...
Clearning old items
I have lots of historic items on my various supplier accounts which should have been cleared in previous years (by the previous accountant) but don't seem to have. I have no way of checking how they would have been paid although as they aren't being chased I can only assume they have been, so what is the b...
Employing a wife
Hi I have been asked by a client who I prepare accounts and a tax return for if he can employ his wife for administation duties. Can anyone tell me what the implications for this would be? Many Thanks Mycroft
Fuel Receipts
Im new to all this so bare with me. I am currently in the process of putting receipts (diesel receipts from a haulage company) onto sage. The problem is that the payments through the bank for these receipts is split three ways into cheque, ebp and pos, and they don t cover the full amount of receipts. I nor...
help please - new to bookkeeping
hi there - please help. My brain is confused. Although I do bookkeeping in work - it is computerised. I decided therefore to do my ICB Manual Bookkeeping I & II exams and passed a while ago now. Recently though my partner roped me in to do his books when he went self employed as an artist. His wo...
CIS question Please help!!!
Hi everyone!! Am stucked with CIS POSTING, the company I work for have an accountant who do the wages for us, and this is the first quarter that we have CIS tax involved. Basically they sent us the TAX and National Insurance contribution for the last 3 months and the CIS Sub contractors Tax and the Suffer...
Message for Shamus
Hi Shaun I ordered the 2002 Acca books you recommended from Amazon market traders, 1.1 came today second hand but in excellent condition for a fiver, the other two will be coming some time this week, been looking at 1.1 this afternoon, I must agree with you this is an excellent book, am well chuffed. Co...