Business Meals
Hi there - can anyone clarify a few things for me??? I know that entertaining customers is not an allowable expense - am I right in saying that business meals involving just staff are allowed? If you have a receipt for a meal which your client is trying to claim as a business expense do you just tend to code...
BS not balancing
I have recently started topic "company credit card dr - asset or liability" and have realised it has branched into a new question. I'm currently doing my final assignment for my bookkeeping level 2 course. My first Questions are to work out the deprciation of three entries from a TB provid...
Beauty Terapist - Working from home
Hi I do the books for a beauty therapist who works from home and she has made one of her bedrooms into her treatment room. This room could not be used as anything else now but the changes would not effect the house if the property was sold, it would just revert back to a bedroom. So, how and what costs would I...
Deferred/accrued income
Hi all Very glad to find this site, and I hope my question is not too basic. I'm teaching myself book-keeping so that I can keep books properly for my small business (musician and IT consultant). As the first of these lines of business is full of people who loathe keeping their books, and I know a lot of th...
Opening Balance/Trial Balance
Hi there I am doing account for May 09 - Ap 09 The accountant has given me the trial balance as at 30 April 2008 Do I enter these figures in the necessary accounts using the date 30 April or as 01 May 08 Also on the trial balance is a dr figure titled 'Company B expense recharge' then in brackets (this should b...
Compant Credit Cards
Hello again!! I saw a thread on here covering a similar problem that I am facing...but can't seem to locate it now As some of you may know my client has two businesses Company A has a credit card that company B pays the balance on The owner uses the credit card for both business and personal. Initially I was...
Credit card expenses
Hi all, I hope someone can assist me with this query. At the end of the month I reclaim expenses from my company. I submit my expense form along with relevant receipts. Some purchases are made on my company credit card. How are these best entered into Sage? Currently, I create a journal, creditting t...
Company Credit Card Dr. - Asset or Liability???
Pretty PLEASE help!!! I feel so silly for feeling so lost! I'm about to finish my last assignement in my Open College course Level ii and I have been asked at the last question to prepare the P&L and B/S from a Trial Balance they have provided. Everything seems to be going fine and when I cross checked...
AAT Level 3 Study
Hello everyone I am currently doing OCR level 1 manual and level 2 computerised and plan on doing level 2 and 3 next , hopefully when im working as a bookkeeper next year( currently working in web and database admin) If I wanted to then do AAT, what is the best way to go? home study, day release from work or i...
Manual Cash Book posting query | Posting a refund of overpaid expense
Hi people. Need a little help and to check my understanding in this situation. Working with a manual analysed cash book. In August there was an insurance payment which went in the insurance column. But it was an overpayment, so in September the insurer sent the money back on cheque. If it was just retur...
Shaun UK
ICB level 3 self assessment tax return
Hi guys, I want to take the ICB level 3 self assessment tax return exam, but I didnt buy the text book which they have on their site, has anyone taken that exam and passed it without the book? is it hard to pass? I also had a look on ICB site, theres no past paper on that exam, so I just need some help and advice h...
Insurance VAT payment
Hi, I am working on sage and have received a bill to pay the VAT on a vehicle repair from an insurance company. As we are VAT registered they have told us we must pay it than claim it back. Any tips on how to do this on sage as you cannot do a bank payment direct into the VAT control account? Thanks, Tony.
Laws re Email Marketing
Hi all, Can anyone tell me whether it is ok to send an "introductory letter" via email to local businesses, or is this classed as spam? I have found local businesses on the internet via their own websites or via the likes of yellow pages and thought it would be quicker to send my letter to them v...
Payroll Training
Hi All has anybody done the payroll training course with Training link? I want to do a course for payroll not sure who to use any suggestions?? www.training-link.co.uk
Assessment for ICB Level 2 Computerised Course
Hi Folks I am now studying the above course. This consists of 3 work books - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Does anyone know if I need to sit an exam after completing each book, or will I be assessed when I have gone through all the 3 books? Aloso, would I need to sit the exam for this at an exam cen...
Bank Accounts
Good afternoon I thought if I write it down it might make sense and wouldn't mind some reassurance as to whether I am on the right track I am struggling a little on how how to show the following.... My client runs 2 businesses lets say A & B I have just started entering purchase invoices on to sage and wa...
Opening Balances - Without the Accountants help????
Can anyone help me??? We have set up Sage 50 half way through the financial year and our accountant has decided that he does not want to help us with the balances. I have a very weak book keeping background therefore I do not know where to start. Can anyone tell me what figures I need to find and how I can go ab...
Another Q about Opening Balances
Hello I am a little stuck woth opening balances on stock I am doing the bookkeeping for 08/09, I have the previous years P&L & B Sheet How do you enter Opening Stock? If you enter an opening balance sage puts the credit in the suspense account.....I am not sure about this one....do I not enter it a...
Driving instructors car
Hi everyone, just taken on a driving instructor who has bought new car and had dual controls fitted. Logic dictates that I should be able to class this as p & m and thus qualify for AIA rather than being reduced to 10% wda. Does anyone know for sure? cheers Rob -- Edited by RobH on Wednesday 20th of Octo...
Bookkeepers Networking Crawley area
Any bookkeepers in West Sussex area (Crawley,Horsham etc.) interested in networking?