I've made a simple thing too complicated!
Help!I've really buggered it up. I opened a gardening partnership business back in october 2007, but it fell through in june/july 2008. Being employed part time by a well known supermarket, i only recently discovered I'd been paying basic rate even after the business closed down. Being told that I c...
Invoice Error
Hiya I've just come across a bit of a strange one and was wondering if anybody could offer some advice please? It appears that the system I use has a blip and has put an early settlement discount in place for one customer of 35% if paid within 30 days (we don't usually offer a discount). This has only just be...
EU entertainment expenses
Hi, the other day i recieved a letter from the accountant advising that EU are looking to pass an accounting legisation that we can claim back VAT on entertainment expeneses plus can claim it up to four years back dated. This would include christmas partys etc, just wondering if anyone else as heard an...
Help needed Shaun on Excel please, everythings opening in Excel 2007 should be 2003
Hi Shaun, and everyone else who loves excel! I have at last had my Laptop fixed tonight over heating fan from the another thread I started the other day, looking good so far! The problem is I have alot of Excel spreadsheets especially for one client, now I run Excel 2003 and am very happy with it, and the ot...
Please help
-- Edited by Chriss on Sunday 23rd of May 2010 09:10:07 AM
Which Account/Analysis Column?
What account would you put expense for a tree plaque in? Its something that will obviously stay in the business for years, but isn't really cap exp is it? In itself it doesnt help bring any revenue in either so even rev exp is pushing it! What about garden furniture, like a gnome, bench etc? Cheers.
Shaun UK
income paid into personal account
Hi , I would be grateful if anyone could offer some advice with a problem. I have got a new client who runs a courier service.When he has given me the last years worth of receipts and bank statements to sort out he has given me his personal bank account statements as well as his business ones.The re...
Husbands Bookkeeper
I do my husbands bookkeeping and was just wondering if there is any way I can claim for the time I spend doing his books even though I don't invoice him? Or should I be invoicing him even though the payment will just be transferring money back and forth from our bank accounts. Can he claim my time as an expe...
Tool Hire company
Hi Would a Tool Hire company do the bookkeeping of it's "hire stock" of fixed-assets (tools) differently ? Also, would the repair/maintenance of the "hire stock" be treated as a Cost Of Sale rather than a business expense ? cheers
Cash book
I have covered cash books whilst doing them for the AAT, and vaguely remember using them around 9 years back whilst helping out an accountant whilst doing some admin work. 9 years back the accountant at the company I worked at did all his work by hand so you had a sales and purchase day book which I rememb...
Write off lost/damaged stock?
Hello, I'm wondering if any of you have experience with retail outlets where it is common to regularly write off stock for lost/stolen/damaged goods. Do you creating a seperate account for this? Also what if you happen to find stock (likely previously written off)? Would you then credit the accoun...
P11d NIC accounting treatment
Hi All I am uncertain if I have made the correct accounting entry for NIC payment by company in relation to P11d benefit. Assume amount is £760 I created an invoice from HMRC for £760 and assigned it to Payroll liabilities. I then paid the bill using the accounts software. Result: DR Payroll Liabi...
Help needed - Sage 50 Accounts
Hi Guys, Ive just started doing bookkeeping in my own personal time and have a client who is a poundshop. Anyways I have just got sage 50 Accounts and I have no idea how to run a cash purchase invoice through the system. Thanking you in advance for your help.
Grant against Capital Purchase?
Hi. I do the books for a registered charity. They recently received some grant money (not from the government - from other charity organisations.) which they have used towards purchasing an asset for the business. My question is, how should this grant money be posted in the accounts? I have spoken t...
Revenue Visit
Hi all, V quick history- sold my business in Sept09 started studying AAT and registered as Book-Keeper from home in the hope of picking up some clients as I study.(I also now do work for a couple of local accontants)I went by the book and registered for ML got PI and ensured I only complete work I am res...
HMRC agent authorisation online
Hi all, I am getting frustrated by the online authorisation system, my client sent me the code to authorise me to act as his agent on saturday and I entered it straight away, I am currently waiting for the client to appear on my authorised list, but now they have disappeared from my unauthorised list...
Travel to clients premises
Hi I have a client who currently has a central head office with three separate business premises. Until now I have always worked there one day per week which is about a 15 minute drive from home (still in same town) but due to a change in the organisation there is talk that they will want me to spend 2 days pe...
Subsistence and travel in the EC
Hi there, I hope you can help witha query I have and will really appreciate any replies. My VAT registerd client has been on a business trip to the EU and due to the volcanic ash problems, incurred a number of subsistence and travel expenses. This is the first time I have had to process EC expenses and afte...
Confused - Bal b/d or c/d?
Hi, First of all let me say thanks to people on here who helped with advice when I wasn't sure who or what to go with. I am doing the AAT ABC bookkeeping course at the moment and am a little confused at something (apologies if it is obvious but I am very new to this!) I am working from the AAT Bookkeeping book/ B...
Cashflow forcast & VAT
Hi guys, I am very new to this and trying to get my head around casflow forcast. Am I correct in thinking the items are added as net ? my study books are confusing me? if i do need to show Vat would I need a separate coloumn for each month? any pointers from you would be great Ben And do you put expenses (in thei...