Journal help please
This is my post to this forum so please be gentle with me Need some help please because its been such a long time and I cant remember how to do it. (brain not working) A person sells a car (asset) from stock which is valued at £10000. He receives £9000 in cash (cheque) and an other car valued at £1000. I need to...
payroll question
I am changing payroll from 4 weekly to monthly. I have decided it may be best (I think, never done this before!) to make the leap on 28th Jan 2010 (if I wasn't going to change anything the actual date would have been 29th jan 2010) as this is when the four weekly pay date is the closest to when i would like to m...
Sage payroll tutorials?
Hello All, can anyone point me in thr right direction for a free Sage Payroll Tutorial. Or doea anyone know if sage payroll software has tutorials with it. The reason I need to swat up is I am starting a new job and sage payroll is used I am used to Quickbokks payroll but need to train up on it. Kind regards Mr...
Mr Topps
Payroll - Decembers Pay day..?????
This links to my other question about moving from weekly to monthly pay. I've advised the staff of the change from weekly to monthly and as expected it's gone down like a lead balloon..!!! The main gripe seems to be about being paid for December on Dec 18th. They will be paid on the last Friday of the month...
What is th Dr and Cr process in Sage for Factored invoices
Hello All, could someone help me with the Sage process for factored invoices i.e. what accounts to debit and credit when money comes in from the factoring agents ant their charges/deductions. Kind regards Mr Topps
Mr Topps
Job interview question?
Hello All, I had a job interview yesterday and was asked a question to which I think I gave the corect answer but just thought I would run it by you guys to see if I did....the question was "How would you keep on top of a credit card that has been used to pay items out of two seperate companies and how woul...
Mr Topps
I received the newsletter from the ICB today and there was an article about a company who received a fine from the FSA for poor MLR totalling £49,500!!!! This probably was for a large company however show the FSA are serious about proper record keeping and MLR. Better get my MLR in order!!!! Nigel.
How to avoid HMRC Nightmare !!!!
Hi all, I was trying to contact HMRC for my clients queries many times a day. However,they quite often reply that you have reached the wrong number. Then they will offer another number to contact. However I usually check the numbers with HMRC website before I call. Can somebody advise how to overcome t...
Importance of bookkeepers
Just thought i would share a recent experience i had with a new client. I was taken on by a client a few months ago to bring his books up-to-date and generally give him an idea of the financial position of his company, before i started he said he was having to introduce his own funds regularly to keep the bus...
New client - no accounts for 08/09..!!!
Hi - I need a bit of guidance please... I've recently started with a small company who's previous bookkeeper left under a bit of a cloud.. All the personel files are missing and there are no accounts or recipts for 08/09 anywhare to be found..! I spoke with the accountant and have now set about creating a...
Hello Everyone, I am writing in regards to obtaining my first accounting related position. I am a certified public bookkeeper and is interested in obtaining a position related to my certification. However, most of the positions I have viewed require experience. Is there any way that I can land a pos...
Will my clients require an Accountant
This probably sounds a daft question, but, if I provide the Bookkeeping services for sole traders do I have to forward them onto an Accountant at year end? I am thinking tax here. Would an Accountant fill out the tax form or would it be down to my client?
Cash Expenses - Sage Instant Accounts
Could someone give me their opinion on how to post cash expenses. I have a new client who is a sole trader and he has cash expenses which are recorded on an expenses sheet on a monthly basis. How would these be recorded? The amount in the past has always been allocated to drawings, there being a stand...
Purchase Invoices
I have looked on the Business Link and HM Revenue & Customs websites to see if I can find some kind of an explanation as to what invoices and receipts that I should be inputting and which may fall into the category of personal use but I cannot find the information that I require. I have entered all m...
Questions re the practical aspects of bookkeeping
What software does everyone use, I have only ever used Sage in my work and I appreciate it might not be appropriate for all clients so what else is out there that people are using? I'm aiming to set up on my own, I have a few people who have said when I am qualified and ready I can start doing their books. I have...
Car Expenses
I have a few questions: 1. If you don't drive but your spouse/partner drives you in their car to get to client meetings, accountant meetings, training sessions etc, can you class this as an expense of the business 2. When working out mileage at 40p per mile, how would be the best way to keep the records...
Unusual ways to beat the banks
Hi everyone, Can you give me your thoughts on the legitimacy of the following please? A long standing client (it gets complicated so lets call him client A) of one of my clients (client B) is having trouble with their bank. They have an overdraft which the bank is trying to reduce. Consequently, every t...
Bowling club records
Hi all, My first post on here, not sure I'm posting this in the correct place! I have just taken on the books for a local bowling club. Although I wont be dealing with the end of year accounts I will be preparing the quarterly VAT returns. Im trying to get my head around the fact that the previous bookkeepe...
How do I deal with posting business expenses paid for from a personal account?
My client has just started a new business venture hence his business current account has a 'zero' balance. Therefore he has used money from his own personal account to purchase cash items as well as capital items until he has money in his business bank account to pay for future purchases. Would anyon...
Buying out a lease - Asset or Expense? Sale of such Asset - Gain from Sale?
Hello All, I am stumped on a transaction I have to put through. It has a few different parts to it;Firstly, when leasing a vehicle, the lease payments are an expense. But when you buy out the lease, I always assumed that the amount you bought out the lease for went towards an asset account, (in this case...