Sage - lost transaction
So I'm doing a reconciliation and there is one single transaction that is missing. It is showing on the activity list of the bank and supplier- correct bank account, correct date and currently unreconciled. However in the reconciliation box it is missing. HOW??!!! It's driving me mad. -- Edited by...
Creating rules in Xero
Hello I hope everyone has had a lovely summer, now it appears to be over I am catching up on work. My client has similar expenses each month for which they want to create rules. Does anyone know a quick way to automate the bookings in Xero - sometimes it guesses based on the description but sometimes it d...
Just a quick question?
Hi, Having a very blonde moment where do I post Personal tax for a Director of a Limited company on Sage instants? What nom account do I use? thanks
Upgrading Sage from a much older version
Hi, I have a client whose computer has gone kaput. She has got a newish computer and has bought a copy of Sage Instant Accounts v.21. Her previous Sage program was ancient, probably 2008-2009, so I won't be able to restore the date from that backup into the new program without doing it in steps - it's too b...
Bucks Bodger
Sage Instant Accounts - bank tab won't appear
Hi I hope you may be able to help me. I have today gone into my Sage instant accounts package and on clicking on the bank menu nothing appears. I can access the customer, supplier and financials tab and everything else seems fine. I just can't understand why I can't see it. The only thing I can think may...
Alex Kilcoyne
Quickbooks (not online) - Supplier refund
We have received a BACS refund from a utilities company and I have done it as a credit, I have made a dipost of this amount in the banking part but it is just telling me there is a negative balance on my supplier screen. They haven't applied it to bills, it came directly back as a payment so we could start at
Customer showing Credit Balance
Hi All, Firstly thank you for looking at my question, so here goes I hope I explain it correctly. Using Sage 50(latest version) I use Linnworks and pull my customer information into Sage via Tradebox, as I have a charity shop selling on multi channels. I have a few customers showing a credit balanc...
Flat Rate VAT on VT
Hi Does anyone process flat rate VAT returns through VT? Just wondering if there is any easy way to do it on there? All I can see that it is set up for ordinary VAT, not the flat rate Thanks Lyndsey
Sage Line 50 and discounts on PO
Hello All,How do you add a discount line item to a PO?I have been asked to raise a PO in Sage Line 50 (Accounts Pro v21) based on a quote from a supplier. On the quote there are 5 line items which we would like replicated on the PO.4 of the items are easy using S3 codes, but the 5th is a gneral discount. I can no...
Need help with Xero !
Hi The charity I work for has gone over to Xero, mainly because it is compatible with the software we use for our booking system and the powers that be decided this was most important. I am struggling to get to grips with it and wondered if there was anyone on here who would be willing to answer a few questio...
Bucks Bodger
Sage Cash Register not showing reversed entries?
Hello I am using the Cash Register in Sage. I can either post directly in the Cash Register window, or I can make bank payments/receipts which will appear when I "Deposit Cash". However I made an error today when depositing cash. I reversed the journal using the reversal function in Sage 50 Accounts...
Is there a Sage development forum?
Hi all, Is there a Sage forum where we can find out about new developments coming in future versions? I was reading about the new Fluid browser and its transparency capabilities, and they would be great for an application like Sage, as I'm often flipping back & forth between Sage and another appl...
Kate Blank
VT Bank Reconciliation - correcting previous errors
Client has done her own bookkeeping on VT+ but has asked me to do the paypal account for ye 31/3/16 as she messed it up slightly. Got as far as September and have a couple of paypal deposits from main bank that has already been reconciled, but the deposits weren't showing on the paypal bank, and going into...
Bank reconciliation in Sage
Hi If a bank account is marked as not needing to be reconciled in Sage is there anyway to untick this box so that it can be reconciled? It is greyed out on mine and I can't see how to undo it. Thanks Sam
Running year end in Sage 50
I have a client who uses Sage 50. I am not a bookkeeper and have never used Sage. I have prepared the 2015 limited company accounts and provided the year end journals which she has entered. I now need to collect the records for the 2016 year end. The client says she has not run year end for 2015 or 2016 but...
Bank Reconciliation figures in Sage
I've just gone to do a Bank Rec in Sage. On the bank record it shows the last rec as being 29/01/2016, with the same balance as the bank statement of £10000 (for the purpose of this post). However when I go to the Reconciliation, it shows the opening balance/last reconciliation as £12000. How is this diff...
Posting customer payment on account on sage
Hi, I am just learning this and wondered I have a customer who has paid a deposit and I have recorded this as payment on account. I now have the invoice ready and wondered how I matched the payment on account to the invoice. As the payment on account was only a deposit - the full amount on the invoice will n...
VT refund
Hello campers I have a credit that has dropped through to the Bank, which is a refund of a payment made a few months earlier. The original item was just paid through the bank via the 'P&R' option, no supplier accounts were involved, debited to the rates nominal. I cant seem to key a credit to the rat...
Stock inventory software for antiques/art
Hello there, Can anyone recommend stock system software where a client can add each piece of art with a title, an image, a unique stock number, costs associated with that item, invoice numbers when stock sold. And one that would allow for art items loaned out for events? All suggestions gratefully re...
BTC and VT+ for CT
Hello, I have question about filing Annual Accounts and CT for LTD 1. Should I file Annual Accounts to Company House first then CT to HMRC? or It does not matter 2. I am using VT+ and BTC together to file Annual Accounts and CT, i uploaded TB from VT to BTC, and when i tried to submit CT through BTC, an err...