Who owns who
Hi, after the shock of finding that IRIS had bought 12pay today I've found that IRIS have also bought Kashflow. Keytime have bought Arithmo. Intuit have bought Docstoc Seems that we're living in interesting times as far as acquisitions go. Anyone know of any others?
Accounting app Books
We've just released an alpha version of our << blind link removed by site moderator >> The app puts the full power of double-entry book-keeping at your fingertips, and we would much appreciate any feedback or wishes of features you would like included. -- Edited by Shamus on Tuesday 4th...
Booksdo Dot com
Please help, what am I missing?
I am pulling my hair out. Trying to enter first sales invoice into Sage but apparently my date is invalid (bing bong is very annoying after 10 bongs). I am trying to put in dummy accounts for a company that started last year 4/4/13 - present day. First invoice is dated 23 April 2013. I've set the progr...
Nominal Activity - Sage P&L
I am hoping someone can help me with Sage profit and loss reports. My MD wants a nominal activity report of the information in the P&L for each month, but I can only find activity for each nominal, which produces reams of paper which she doesn't want. Thanks Karen
Bank reconciliation error in Sage
Hi I have a Sage backup from a new client. The last time the bank was reconciled was last June and the opening balance for July is £100 more than the bank balance shows. There are no pdfs to show what has happened and why and I don't have anyone to ask. What would be the quickest, easiest way to sort this out in...
Manual adjustment to Sage sales invoice
Hey peeps! Client wants to issue VAT only sales invoice from Sage. If I go to create invoice, I select Service invoice, and I type my detail, but then it wont let me add just the VAT. I've clicked the little grey arrow and I can change it in there either.. anyone know the solution. Client has unfortunat...
Anyone use quick file? I just signed up for quickfile affinity I don't really understand the cost of it tho as it seems really cheap..
Has I ever lost anyone's data, this is what worries me about cloud software
Sage V12 Backup to V18 Works Just Fine
I thought I'd put this out there in case it's useful. We loaded a Sage V12 backup onto a new PC running Windows 7 & Sage V18 and all is fine. I had read that the data may have to be rebuilt by Sage to run on V18 at a cost of around £200 so were a bit 'will it won't it work'. Will get them onto VT soon
Mike W
Start up business in Indoneisa - Quickbooks or VT or something else? (VT-STM)
Hi All, I am new here and have joined as I need some advice on software, so I am hoping someone in the know can help me! I have been researching the best bookkeeping software to purchase, but there is so much information and so many reviews out there that I am finding it difficult to decide which software to...
Online book-keeping software - escrow or similar?
I'm curious: for Xero and its ilk, what are the terms of their escrow system, or whatever process they have in place if they fail (permanently or temporarily, and for whatever reason - financial, technical, legal), so that customers can have access to their data? This is prompted in part by this state...
Memorise journal in Sage Professional
I use Sage 50 accounts professional v 2012 for a handful of my clients and to save time I set up journal templates with the relevent nominal codes and each week/month I post a journal and recall the journal so I don't have to enter all the nominal codes. Anyway I took over a client a few months ago who has his...
Purchase Order Software
Hello, I have been asked to set up a purchase order system for my company. I am used to the traditional purchase order pad method but it is thought that we should have an online system or at least a purchase order template that can be emailed across for approval when my boss is out of the office. Is there any...
Accounts and payroll software
Hi just wondering what software for accounts and payroll you all consider to be the best and most cost effective for use with multi-companies? I currently use Sage in work but it is costing a fortune and would appreciate some feedback on what you use. Thanks Sam
Hi everyone Has anyone used Clearbooks software and the Clearbooks open payroll. Anyone know how good the clearbooks payroll bureux is? very best wishes Lainy xxx
Help......How do I open a department in sage line 50 ?
Hello, I'm a newbie. Also new to sage. How do I open a department in sage ? What is the functionality of departments ..e.g separate reporting. Please Help.
Caroline P Accounts
Sage 2014 Accounts export to Excel 2010
Hello people!! I am having a few issues with an IT contractor who claims that Sage 2014 does not integrate with Microsoft Office 2010. Can you just help my sanity and let me know if this is true or not. I don't remember ever having any problems exporting to Excel before for other clients and I would ima...
Self assessment for client
Hello Can anyone help how claim mileage on car without receipt and just booked on book + working from home claim never done before any help will be appreciate -- Edited by Shamus on Thursday 16th of January 2014 10:42:34 PM
SAGE Journals - Creditor to Long Term Liability
I have 8 suppliers accounts who are owed money. I have setup a long term liability code. How can I journal the balances to this code? I don't want to do it straight from the credit control accounts as I only want to clear the 8 specific supplier payments. I can't seem to journal straight from the supplier a...
Customer Refunds
Hi there I am working as a bookkeeper and am learning Sage Software. Can anyone help me with the following: I have set up a customer on Sage and there are numerous invoices on that customers account for different people. I have posted one of these invoices as paid but used the wrong date (this has now...
Teaching myself Sage 50
Hello, I'm noticing that a lot of vacancies require Quickbooks or Sage 50 experience and I would like to practice using both as I haven't done so before. I'm familiar with MYOB and basic accounting terms so not completely clueless. I can buy a version of Quickbooks on amazon and get started with that...