Sage50 Pro 2013 Printing Single Labels , Preventing posting to incorrect records
Hi All. Does anyone out there have an answer to the to the following irritants :- When printing address labels , the first record always starts on the left hand corner of the label sheet. Which is OK when printing a batch, but if one only wants to print a single label, it renders the rest of the sticky lab...
Hints on saving time on monthly invoice producing for the same customers on Sage 50
Hi Our company run three nurseries. Every month I input manually around 150 invoices for them to be printed out and given to parents.Each child/customer has its Account reference. The invoice type is service and it will have 5 lines with 3 different nominal codes. The invoice ref. numbers are gener...
Sage VAT codes
Hi, Does anyone know what VAT code I would use in Sage for a euro invoice? It a suppier from Serbia. Elaine
Elaine R
Sage professional - how to get reports query
Hi Ive been asked by the Accountant to get a 'Nominal Ledger Printout Analysis' but when he has then spoken to the owner he has (supposedly) asked for a ''Nominal Ledger Transaction History'' plus Balance sheet and Creditors list as at the year end. Can someone please advise how I get these reports fro...
Quickbooks and VAT
I seem to be having a string of problems with Quickbooks and VAT lately. I will post two of them separately and pray that someone can help. I have searched for Quickbooks VAT on the forum and most of the posts are fairly old so I'm hoping for some more recent revelations. Firstly Quickbooks Pro 2013 I p...
Monthly Profit/Loss in VT Transaction
I am trying to get a monthly profit/loss for management purposes. I have changed the current period to the month I want but it is bringing forward the balances from previous months too. Is there a way to just show October?
Help with accruals!! - Sage Question
Im trying to do the final accounts for year ending 31/03/13, I had a list of accruals which I needed to reverse I have done this and I can see within the nominal codes this is right, however, I still have all these outstanding balances showing on the creditors analysis relating to the opening balances, s...
VT Transaction problem (crashing when using clipboard elsewhere)
Anyone else experience this annoying quirk of VT Transaction..... If I'm using VT Transaction + but I then go away and use Excel and then copy something in Excel I'll then hear a beep and when I go back and look at VT various dialogue boxes pop up. I'll close them down but they just pop up again until eventu...
Sage Accounts
Hi Everyone What would the steps be to handle a bank loan within Sage ? Thanks
Opening Balances from b/f trial balance
Hi, I have entered most of the opening balances into sage however there are a few which im not sure how to deal with them- 1) Manual Adjustments I have a figure for this however no back up do I just set up a nominal code and enter the opening balance or do I need a breakdown 2) profit and loss Figure- What do I d...
Partnership return
Hi all I am about to start a partnership return, for submission on paper before the end of the month. Does anyone know of any free software which allows you to complete the return? I have used Andica for online filing, but I just want to complete it, send a PDF to the client, who can then print it, sign it a...
Credit card purchase on Sage
Hi, I posted a supplier invoice onto sage which was paid for by the company credit card. I hadn't entered the item as "paid", but when the credit card statement arrived I actually posted the item against the 1240 credit card account. Once I paid the credit card bill using the current accou...
Please help with Quickbooks
Hi All! If someone would be so kind and help before I throw my laptop out of the window.. well, that would be just peachy! A client has a balance within stock (a few actually and I am hoping one answer will sort them all!) I've attached a screenshot of the stock account, which cant be posted to. He has posted...
Bank payments & invoice query in Sage
Hi I'm trying to tidy up the accounts using Sage and would like to know how do I post a bank payment to an invoice in Sage after the payment has already been posted but not to the invoice? The same applies for a training providers payments to the company for a member of staff, how do I contra the receipts aga...
Sage Accounts- Reconciling the bank from last year
Hi, I've got the task of trying to reconcile the bank account from 01/04/12 to now, most of the payments and receipts are posted however some of them are pennies or a pound out, how do I go about amended these so that my bank rec difference is 0? Thanks
Questions re Sage Instant
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and glad to find somewhere to bounce ideas/ask questions with other Bookkeepers. I have some questions to do with Sage Instant which I hope someone might be able to help. I have taken on a new client and previous bookkeeper is nowhere to be seen. The clients financial ye...
Changing year end date on sage?
Hi One of my clients has Sage 50 Accounts Professional 2010 - can the year end date be changed? It was entered correctly as May but they are changing their year end. -- Edited by Cheshire on Saturday 5th of October 2013 06:03:59 PM
How do you post a supplier refund in Sage instants?
Hi Everyone, I am working on Sage instants for a client not sure of the version, but it says 2011 on the shortcut, so possibly a V15 or 16 maybe? I have a refund from a supplier that has been paid into the bank account, now I know if they weren't VAT reg I could just do a Bank Receipt straight into the bank accou...
Changing financial year in Sage
I want to start using Sage instants for recording my own accounts. I want to close off a year and start a fresh the following year. How do I do this. Last years accounts where done in excel so I need to update those first. I then want to close off but change the year end to co-inside with the tax year. I've...
Elaine R
Calling Quick Books experts
Hi Ive just recently bought Quick Books Pro 2013 and thought I would learn my way round the system by putting my own books on there. Ive failed at the first hurdle though - Im a sole trader and cant seem to find out where to start as it all relates to Limited companies. Am I missing something?