Sage hangs when I do a bank reconciliation
Hi Can anyone offer me any advice please. When I try and do a bank reconciliation in Sage - its all fine for the matching process but when I actually click RECONCILE the software just freezes and I have to kill it. I'm using Sage 50 - 2010. I've googled this problem and the answers online were so complicate...
Issue with Sage 2010
Ohhhh please help! I have Sage 50 Client Manager, and I want to open a client company in 2010, thats already been restored into it. It mentions updating the software, but then it says the software is up to date but wont then open Sage?? Anyone seen this before?
Wrong nominal codes used, how to correct
Hi, I've taken over a set of accounts recently and while trying to complete the directors P11d I've noticed that some of his fuel purchases for the last tax year have been entered under nominal code 2112 - (Directors Expenses) with tax code T9, and some have been entered under nominal code 7102 (Fleet c...
nominal ledger export excel
hello, we have two financial years data on sage. is it possible to transfer nominal ledger for each year to excel cause on running nominal report with date conditions doesn't return any data however running nominal report for all transactions returns data regards,
Really? Sage can't export P&L and Balance Sheet into Excel??
Hi all, I've been checking around Sage for a while and can't find how to export P&L and Balance Sheet into Excel? Googled online and someone came up with suggestion of installing another software to help- can't believe it, suppose to be very simple task! Have I got it wrong? Please help - many thank...
Charging our customers for disbursements we've already settled - SAGE 2013 PLUS
Hi everyone, I'm using Sage 2013 Plus and need some help. I have started using the projects feature which has been very helpful, although I'm now stuck. There are various "disbursements", which need to be billed to our customers as part of their project, however we only bill them at certai...
another VT newbie - disallowed expenses
Hi Hope someone can direct me - I am completing tax return, but my client has expenses which I want to record as disallowed - motoring expenses where 20% is for private use. Just wondering if there is a simple way of doing this Thanks Lyndsey
Iris Exchequer
Big massive help needed if possible guys and gals. After looking all over for a demo of this software and watching some Youtube videos linked from the Iris website i have run out of stuff to look at. No demos available and the videos are rubbish to say the least. Has/Does anybody use this software and ha...
Sage SMP, N.I. & Year End issues
Hi guys, I have a little problem with end of tax year postings for my payroll onto Sage, I will try to explain it as simply as I can. We have been paying SMP to one of our employee in the last tax year for which we received the funding from HMRC which was not a full repayment. Now I have had to run the year end as o...
Wages in Sage
Hi everyone, This is a really simple question!! I'm using Sage Plus 2013. When I enter wages, do I set up a supplier? I don't know where to put them! I've come to Sage and accounting as a complete newbie and I've had a bit of training, but there are always some things you forget to ask. Any help would be very...
Hi Wonder if anybody can help with this one? We are importing a paypal account in to Xero where there are multi- currency reserve accounts. How do we easily reconcile the many transfers between the currency accounts. They do not affect the overall account balance and is something not rechargeable t...
NWN Blue Squared
How to carry forward cutomer credit
Hi all I am entering openning balances for customers. Some of them have credit with us ath the end of FY.So I have to roll these over to the next year. I haven't got a trial balance from accountant as yet. But assume these will be sitting as a part of deffered income in a balance sheet(or i may be wrong). How d...
Entereing Suppliers o/b on Sage
Hi All Our FY starts tomorrow. I do not have as yet a trial balance from the accountant but I do have a batch of PI's that are not paid yet. My question is does it matter if I enter these via o/b wizard one by one. Or as batch invoices for each supplier as you'd usually do. Appreciate your help Thanks Anna
VT Transaction + | Input in euro in a journal
Hello, I'm using VT Transaction + for the purpose of book keeping in 2 currencies, british pound and euro. When I click on JRN I get the "Journal" window that shows up. The issue here is that the only currency in the Journal is british pound, where I would expect to be able to select the currenc...
Words of Warning - Sage Back Up
Just wanted to share my near catastrophic experience. I have Sage Instant V14, which I rarely use. I had a clients data from a previous year on it because when I took him on last year, his previous bookkeeper had used an older version of Instant. I took a back up and restored it to my version - no problems. H...
Banklink Software Service
Morning all, Has anybody used a service called 'Banklink' for Accountants. I believe it interfaces with all banks and downloads all transactions to a central hub. It sounds like it could be quite handy but their webite has no prices and it does look like it might be for large accountants, but I could b...
QuickBooks training available
Hello everyone, I head up the accountant programmes at Intuit UK and was recently made aware of the fact that many of you are seeking training on QuickBooks. We have created a fairly extensive library of recorded webinars and they are completely free for you to view at any time of the day or night. I en...
Quickbooks shafting customers on 2012-13 payroll
Just thought I'd vent some steam. I have used QuickBooks for donkeys years, but have decided to bite the bullet for the coming payroll year and change to Moneysoft due to QB pricing, plus some other things I did not like about the program. I am glad I did, Moneysoft is excellent. When I went on my PC to fil...
Advice from Bookkeepers / Accountants working in Practice
OCRex is looking for some advice from Bookkeepers / Accountants working in practice. We have developed bank reconciliation software for accountants dealing with shoebox / paper based clients. We released the second version of the software in June, 2012 and we have over 260 practices now using it....
Karen Bennett
Sage data import 2 weeks prior the end of financial year
Hi all I will be grateful if you can advice me on following. We are reloading Sage after a hard drive crash. It was decided to wait and coincide Sage installation with the beginning of a FY. Q: Can I install sage now, so I can prepare all the customers and suppliers records, set bank and cash accounts, Char...