Sage 50 Payroll Quick Question - A Bit Confused
I am learning Payroll, specifically with Sage 50 Payroll Self Study Books. I have also downloaded the free version of 12Pay as an alternative to try out things. When employing staff who have completed a P46, but who earn below the LEL, HMRC indicates that the P46 should not be sent until the employ...
Hi Guys, I have found an Excell based software by Mr Spreadsheet...I have looked at the screen shots and read up about it in great detail. It seems to everthing that i will need...Vat returns, Self assesment returns, double entry, reconcilling system. It uses one work sheet a month for 12 months.....
PAYE for Southern Ireland
I have just started in business (within the uk) after years in a financial office environment and accounting/ bookkeeping training courses. I have trained on Sage and HMRC payroll, but have just received a request from a customer in the republic of Ireland for Payroll. I am at a loss and finding out in...
help with year end
I have inherited two companies books and both with 3 months back log especially the back rec there year end is November which is only a week and a bit away !!!!! what is the lastest date they have to be completed.... I think they think its a 5 minute job. Plaes can someone advise me zoe
zoe Taylor
Payroll Services
Setting up a payroll service but finding it hard to work out a price list. A lot charge per payslip and then extra for year end forms etc whilst some charge per payslip and include all year end forms in the price. If anyone out there can offer some advice this would be great. Also do you send security pay...
Silly Digits
VT Transaction+ and VAT cash accounting scheme
How do I solve this problem?Using the VAT cash accounting scheme and entering mixed payments when amounts are paid into bank account.....say for instance on a certain date there were 5 payments by cheque being paid into the bank account. Three of these were from credit customers paying their invoic...
payroll software
Hi I'd studying for ICB payroll exam and need to get some software which I hope to use to offer payroll when I have passed exam. At the moment I use Quick Books payroll at my work which is easy to use but I think is expensive to buy. I have looked at 12 pay and moneysoft and would be interested to know your views...
Changing the font on VT Transaction+ statements
Hi Ive worked out how to change the fonts on our invoices but cant seem to change the font on statements and letters???????? Please please can anyone shed any light on this for me Many thanksAnya
debit card expenses - advice please
I have a client that uses a company Debit Card I have the reiepts for these how would I post these to sage .. zoe
zoe Taylor
yera end and VAT return advice
I am due to d a VAT return at the end of November it is also the year end should I do a VAT return first then the year end ... and a Month end before the year end so confused ... I dont think they have every a month end done anyway .. zoe
zoe Taylor
Invoices advice please (sage)
When I have one invoice that has several lines that need different N.L codes when I enter as a batch Invoice in the ref box I always put the supplier / customer invoice number in If I want to group that Invoice do I put the same invoice number in so when I look at the activity it will show as one invoice then us...
zoe Taylor
Learning to use Sage
Following on from my previous, much longer, post could someone recommend a good and cheap course or book I can use to teach myself how to use Sage? I plan to either buy Sage Instant or pay Barclays for their offer of Sage 50. Also, I know Sage instant is just for one company but is it possible to use it if the...
Thesaurus software
Hi all Just wondering if anyone has heard of Thesaurus software? I saw their advert in an accounting magazine. They are offering free bookkeeping software, and also provide payroll software, though I note that they do not appear on HMRC accreditation list. Regards
Search for a transaction in VT+
Does anyone know the quickest way to search for a particular amount in VT transaction + please ? Bev
Flex Accounting Services
Quickbooks Pro
Just thought I would put a note on the forum with regards Quickbooks Pro. I have been working with a client to transfer their accounts to Quickbooks and in doing so have had to learn how to use it myself first before showing the 2 staff how to use it. Having used quite a few software packages I wasn't too co...
Transferring Trial Balance to Excel
Hi all, I'm new to Sage and I'm just trying to find the best way to import my Trial Balance into MS Excel. Can anyone explain the best way to do this. Is it the same for all Sage lines? Many thanks, Mike
minus figure in my barclaycard acct
My barclaycard acct is showing a - figure in sage is this correct ? zoe
zoe Taylor
Transferring data back and forth from 2 Sage packages
Hi, I was wondering if I could transfer data from my clients Sage system, which is Instant plus into mine Instant V16 and then work on it and transfer the up dated back to their Instant Plus again. Help needed asap please. Thanks
Any experience of Sage Workbooks?
Hi everyone, I am curious to know if anyone has had any experience of using the Sage selfstudy workbooks? Would you recommend them, or is it preferable to go on a course rather than try and do it yourself. Jane
Jane Kelly
allocating a cheque
recently a customer paid an invoice he should not have done I was going to keep it on the account so it reduced his bill but hes requested a cheque refund how would this be entered into a set off accounts ? zoe
zoe Taylor