Sage Bookkeepers Club
Hi I am not sure if many other members on here are members of the Sage Bookkeepers Club but I am and up until now it has worked quite well for me. I say up until now as I have just had a call followed by an email from my account manager saying that they are stopping it and anyone who is a member will have to join a n...
Sending an invoice to a supplier
Hi, Anyone know how to send an invoice to a supplier (eg for damaged goods received) on sage. There seems to only be an opton to put on a credit note. Thanks
postings to sage
I have lots of barclaycard receipts to post when I go to post , as in sage there is an icon for new receipts would this be correct ... and then once the credit card has been paid can I do a transfere from the bank account to the credit card account monthly .... Please help
zoe Taylor
Help with Sage 50 CIS please!
Hi everyone I'm a new user to Sage 50 CIS and have not been able to find out how to record the CITB levy deduction when posting a sub-contractor's invoice. I know this has to be worked out manually, but I then need to record it in order to arrive at the net payable amount. Any help here would be welcome. Ly...
Buying Sage 50 2011
Please can someone advise me what the disadvantages are, if any, of buying this software from an online seller as opposed to buying from Sage? The price differences are amazing and I'm not sure why Many thanks
misposting on sage suppliers invoices
Hi I seem to have misposted an invoice to the wrong supplier how do I take this from the wrong account to the correct on would I use a journal .... if so how would it be done not so good with journals someone suggested a credit note but surley that will put other things out.. Regards zoe
zoe Taylor
When i have posted my credit card expenses as individual items to the credit card account I have used the bank payment option on sage which I understand CR the bank account and DR the expense account in this case Barclays . Were I am confused is that when the Credit card is paid by whatever means ie bacs ...
zoe Taylor
Payroll software
Looking for some help on selecting the right payroll software. Client has a busy cafe/restaurant employing from 6 people in the low season to about 15 in the high season. All salaries are paid weekly and paid according to hours worked. Software needs to be user friendly as it likely that my client ma...
HELP please Sage Payroll Paternity Pay
HMRC state that employees are entitled to 2 weeks Paternity Pay. The employee is full time 5 years service so nothing to do with not been employed long enough etc. When I enter all the dates and the 2 weeks Pat it only provides one week at statutory rate and not two. Anyone know why this is? Thanks, Daisy
ICB software iris
Hi folks, Anybody seen the ICB accounts office online software? I went on their web page and found that they started to sell a software powered by iris. If anybody knows anything about it please let me know. Attila
receipts from expenses etc
Can someone advise me : I am using Sage and due to post receipts I have expenses account petty cash account and Credit card I know that they are are separate but when I go to post say my expenses I am confronted with Bank receipt or Bank Payment which Icon do I open just to post these expenses. Having a dull m...
zoe Taylor
Sage 50 Accounts forcasting
Hi there I need to be able to use some form of decent forcasting tool so i can plan the future financials for our business. At the moment i have created an excel spreadsheet with actuals and forcast. What I woulds like is to be able to do this in one central location IE Sage 50 accounts and export a report to g...
Problem with VAT and QuickBooks
Hi all, I've used / recommended QuickBook's for years as it does so much more than count beans. However, I've now got a problem in it ans wondwered if anyone else has had and fixed it. I imported a chart of accounts for the same company from a previous year so that I could start a clean file and clear out the b...
Input tax on gift vouchers
Hi all Can anyone let me know if my client can reclaim input VAT on gift vouchers for staff. £50 vouchers. Am I right in thinking that a gift/s can be made to employees up to £50 per year before becoming taxable?
Silly Digits
Problems running reports in Sage 50 Accounts
Hi there I am running Sage 50 Accounts on a Windows 7 64bit platform. All of a sudden when i try and run PNL reports for example it runs the report. I then try and export it as either a PDF or and excel (.xls) file seems to do something but the file never arrives! Anyone else these sorts of problems? P
New to quickbooks
Hi there I wonder if anyone can help? I have experience with sage, but am about to start using quickbooks for a client. I cant seem to work out how to enter Opening Stock, The accountant has the previous years set of accounts and I am wondering what is the best way to record these figures. Also for any quick...
Windows 7 and Sage 2010
Has anyone managed to get Sage 2010 to work on Windows 7?? P
New job and I'm terrified! This is long sorry!
I started my new job as a bookkeeper / payroll clerk a few days ago and have found out that I'm taking over the whole job because the other person is leaving. I have two weeks to learn everything such as bookkeeping, sage, sage payroll, autopay, Construction Industry Scheme Returns, VAT returns, CITB L...
Should I buy Sage 50? - WARNING -long post! - Sorry!
First off I'd like to apologise if this has been covered before, I have searched back through a few pages but couldn't see any obvious postings on this subject. OK, here's the situation. I became a self employed bookkeeper in July and so far have had absolutely no luck in getting any clients. Finally...
VT Trans+ Edit invoice templates
Hi, I have looked on the help within VT Trans+ but can't see the answer, so any help from you VT + experts greatly received. I would like to change the font on an invoice template to personalise it, is this possible? If so how? I have had a "play" with it but can't seem to see how to do it.... Thanks...