Sage Accounting Software
I am starting a new bookkeeping business and am aiming to obtain say 20-30 new small business customers and eventually medium businesses once I have gained more experience. I have been browsing the Sage website trying to find suitable software but there are so many to choose from. Does anyone have an...
VT Transaction +
Hi, I am trying to get my head around the VT Transaction + programme so I can offer clients computerised bookkeeping. However, I have had trouble getting off the starting blocks. I fully undedrstand double entry but I can't get my head around putting opening balances from the balance sheet into the s...
Which Software
Hi Which is the best software (Least expensive option) to use for bookkeeping, taking into consideration having to hand the information over to an accountant (so would really need to be in a format that he can easily access and use). Or would a spreadsheet be the best option? Thanks
Has anyone heard of FreeAgent Pro?
My client is thinking of switching from MYOB to this software - I'd be very grateful if anyone could feed back on their experience of the software, particularly in terms of what doesnt work particularly well. Thank you!
Sage VAT codes when theres no VAT
I'm being confused by someone at work so hopefully someone can help me on here. If I have an invoice from a carpet cleaner who has not charged VAT do I use the tax code T1 and overwrite the VAT to or use T0 as there is no VAT to reclaim? I can't think anymore due to someones yapping!!
VAT Threshold
Hi All, I recently posted a question about vat thresholds as I have a client who has gone over this. The replies confirmed what I thought ie; they need to be registered. But, my problem is that although I have advised my client of this requirement, they have come back at me with the `well my accountant...
which is convinient in bookkeeping?
I am currently in the process of buying a new computer to start my new freelance/home base bookkeeping business. Any one out there can advise me on this topic? I am confuced to taking about a laptop or a desktop pc. What do you think would be more convenient and effective. I want the space and the speed sin...
Missing Receipts - VAT Code
Hi all, I have just registered today and I have been searching for an answer to this question.I am doing the bookkeeping for a small firm and my question is, what tax code in sage do I use when a receipt for a transaction is missing (and is likely to never turn up).For example, where fuel is bought but not VA...
Sage Instant Accounts - Version 12 - Help Please
I received today a mock computerised bookkeeping exam paper and disc from the ICB. When I try to restore the info from the disc - I get this message:Data has been found from a previous version of this program. This will now be converted to the current version. The screen then has a little pop up box aft...
Anyone use Quickbooks ??
Hi Just wondering if anyone uses Quickbooks to do their clients work ? If so ,is it simple to use like Sage (for example) and does it support multi-companies - ie would I be able to use it for many clients or is it just single company ?
Flex Accounting Services
Sage Help please.
Hello, I have just taken on a new client who has been using sage instant for producing invoices and also allocating his cash received to these invoices. This is all that is on the system. ( He wants me to start adding everything on). He has been doing this for about 3 years and has never ran a year end. His y...
Sage Line 50 Accountant Version 2007
Hi all, Not sure if anyone has come across this before but our installation of Sage has gone somewhat "caput". When we open up a client file and proceed to suppliers or customers and double click on a particular customer or supplier so as to view the activity and defaults etc, the system just...
Sage Instant Accounts - Version 12
I am studying Sage Computerised bookkeeping levels 1 and 2 at the moment. I have a disc with three companies details on to restore onto Sage as part of my studying but I need to start a new company from scratch to work through the text book with and I don't know how to do it. I am in Sage at the moment but I am...
Which software!
I have taken over a set of accounts that will take me a hell of a long time to sort and have decided to do it on a computer. My original plan was to use just excel or access but if there is a nice peice of software that makes it easier for me I want to go with that.I have downloaded TAS BOOKS basic and that looks goo...
Refunding customers on Sage
Hi Can anyone tell me if it is possible to refund a customer on Sage. The scenario is I have a couple of customers who have overpaid invoices and therefore the accounts show credit balances. No more invoices will be issued to them and cheques have to be issued to pay them back. Is there anyway you can show a...
Printing a trial balane on Sage
Hi everyone I have just performed the year end routine on Sage Line 50 for my client and I forgot to print off a Trial Balance and nominal ledger before hand. I need to forward printouts of the Sage records to the accountant but I can't print a trial balance report as the year has been rolled forward. I can p...
Sage Bookkeepers' Club
Like most of you I am just about to start my own book-keeping company working from home. I am considering joining the Sage Bookkeepers' Club - does anyone know if the Sage 50 Client Management software supplied has any limitations. My intention is to use it to input all data for some clients as you wo...
Payroll - Software/Manual?
I have been asked to provide payroll services for a client and, while it is something that I have done in the past (both using Sage and also previously manually), I am unsure if it something that I should/could provide. Someone once mentioned a cheap and easy payroll package but I can't remember what it...
Sage 50 Accounts Technical Hitch
Hi Can any of you Sage experts out there help me. I am currently working through the Sage 50 Self study course There are several references to being able to add and hide columns to the list views in customer and supplier modules. Supposedly by right clicking any column heading I should be given a list of c...
sage exemple file
Hi , I need sage line 100 exemple file and chart of accounts, please.