Personal allowance changes
Hi I know folk can amend/delete additions to their personal allowance via their personal tax account, but as an agent can you do and if so how...just via the phone? EG need to delete professional subs (well actually need to reduce for 2020/partial year claim from April to December and then delete for...
AIA claimed in first year, what happens with disposals in second year?
Hello, I have just joined the forums and would like help please. I am studying level 4 AAT and in a few weeks will be learning the business tax module, but I need help completing a client's tax return before the 31st Jan and don't have the full knowledge of Capital Allowances just yet. Last year I had a new c...
Dividend date query for Self assessment
Hope you can help. Dividend confirmation shows interim dividend 'payable to holders on 22 March 2019' and 'payable date 30 April' from PLC with y/e 31 Dec. what year tax return does this go on? would it be different if it was a final dividend rather than interim? This not from CT point of view but self as...
How to set up BTA - HMRC
OK, Ive finally lost the plot. New client - previous agent nor client set up a BTA for their limited company. Client has no Gov gateway. Can I do this as an agent? Anyone have a link? Going round in circles. AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hate this job!!!!!!!!! TIA Edited to correct t...
New paye scheme after Employer started new Ltd Co. Existing employee start dates in Moneysoft
Just a quick question, new paye scheme set up, imported existing employees from old payroll to new payroll. Can I keep the start dates as they are (helps with tupe) or should I change the start dates to 1st December, which is when the new company took over paye?
VAT 407: Non-Business VAT refunds query
Hello, A gents outfitters client made a sale to a holidaying customer who lives in Australia. They're able to claim back the VAT on their purchase via the Retail Export scheme. Gross amount of the purchase was £360.00 They have claimed back the VAT element of £60.00 which was refunded a month later. W...
Thoughts on getting a self assessment requirement withdrawn
S/T registered as self employed later 2018. Commenced trading early 2019. Ceased trading May 2019. Obviously spans 2 tax years. Has been put into SA (obviously) by HMRC and nudged for tax return given deadline imminent. T/o pretty minimal, from verbal could even be below £1000 so could utilise fu...
New ASA and viewing MTD clients
Handy hint to view clients in new ASA, once you have transferred them over from your old agent account. HMRC do not list client names, only their VAT numbers (barking mad!). But you can still view your clients relativeley easily. If you have one client to view - use their VAT number1) Account hom...
Estimates or receipts?
Got a query tonight from my old next door neighbour's brother about doing a CIS tax return. He wanted to claim for washing uniform, food allowance working away, home office and stationary, despite no receipts. No real quibbles about washing uniform and I would put home office in at £200 with the priv...
Andica and State Pension age
(Think I put this on the wrong forum so I am moving it!) Hi I am using Andica to file an SATR for a sole trader (I used Tax Calc last year but have used up all my licences this year). The client became of State Pension Age in 2015 and is therefore exempt from Class 2 NI but Andica has applied a charge of £153.4...
Bucks Bodger
MTD for VAT - double checking requirements for after April 2020
Just thought I would check how to stay legal post the soft landing period for a client who has old sage, non MTD compliant. Can extract reports from software in either csv or excel (or indeed both). What info will need to be dragged kicking and screaming from non compliant accounting software (any, not...
VAT on repairs
Hello all, my grip on reality i being threatened and I'm up for opening a discussion. consider this if you will. A company can reclaim the VAT on petrol at standard mileage rates, so say 14p of the 45p is allowable to claim VAT against. All good, not rocking any boats there. The VAT is legitimately claime...
VTT+ cash accounting VAT
Hi there, I have a client who uses the cash accounting scheme for VAT. I use VTT+ and have ticked the correct boxes in set up. I have been checking in the deferred outputs account and can see that some items are showing as open items but the have been included in a vat return, the same reference number showi...
Confused bookkeeper
VAT Refund - Lost Cheque
Hi There A client has received a refund but somehow managed to mis place the cheque! To be honest I didnt realise they still refunded by cheque. I tried calling but it is impossible to get through, does any one know the best email/correspondance address to use? TIA
VAT Helpline
Just a heads up that if you have need to ring the helpline to have your ASA account no ready. It's at the top of the ASA page. I had need to ring them this afternoon and to my delight and joy I've finally had my business name and address corrected. Been trying to get it changed for a number of years but never q...
Income Tax
Hi everyone, I have just been asked this question and don't know how to answer. Why do we use the net sales figure when calculating profit but the gross labour figure? Their thinking is they are both taxes collected by HMRC so why is one included when the other is not. Any help would be great, thank...
Sage and MTD slightly different this time
Hi, So, I'm now on a different client that I again signed up to MTD in Aug after their last qtr. I successfully connected in sage one, but then when I try to crate a vat return, it tries to connect to HMRC then says that there is no return due. It is due by tomorrow. I don't know what to do, I can't put in the old co...
Blonde Accountant
Desperate Sage One and MTD help please
Hi, I signed a client up for MTD just after his June qtr-by the time the authorisation codes came it was too close to the June qtr to be able to do it. I have just finished his return in Sage One, put in my MTD HMRC gateway codes and it won't be accepted by HMRC. It doesn't throw up an error meesage, it just says t...
Blonde Accountant
Monthly VAT
I have been asked by my client if she can switch to monthly VAT because she's finding it a struggle to get the payment together and would rather pay monthly so she knows where she is (retail shop). Is this fairly easy to switch over and is it done through the ASA portal?
hallo again + payroll questions
Hi guys, my name is Rafal. I was absent on this forum for a couple of years . Before I left I received a lof of help from people here while I was preparing for aat exam. Now I am back and would like to say hallo to everybody again. I hope little changed in this forum since I left. I have question in relation to pa...