MTD First use
I'm a bookkeeper for a small enterprise and I'm a bit confused as to when I'm required to submit a VAT return via MTD software. Our next VAT period - February to April 2019 straddles the MTD go-live date - do I submit this period's VAT return (in May) via MTD software ? Or does MTD start for me after the next f...
Insurance claim vat
Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help, a few months ago a client had a break in and lots of tools were stolen a good chunk of which belonged to two employees. The insurance claim has been put in, accepted and the money has been received. However, the director now needs to replace the employees stolen to...
Blonde Accountant
Employee sick - days worked calculation.
Just want to check I've got my calculations correct. Employee is paid £1625 a month and works 5 days a week so I make that £75 a day. Employee was off sick 31st Jan - 2nd Feb then again on 11th February ongoing. 31st already paid last month so reclaimed. I make that 4 days pay and sick pay from the 14th Feb...
CIS and VAT Reverse charge
Afternoon all, I meant to post something about this a while back but it slipped my mind but just seen it mentioned again in an article so thought I would make sure that people are aware of the changes that seem to be on the way. It seems that from October 1st 2019 businesses involved within the Constructi...
charging for signing up for MTD?
I've been looking into how to sign my clients up for MTD. Are any of you thinking of charging for doing it? It looks like it will only take a few minutes per client but involves an email going to the client for them to confirm and then switching it on in the software (I'm using QB online so I'm referring to t...
If a client applies for a mortgage
A couple of clients have mentioned applying for a mortgage, albeit too late in the tax year for me to suggest getting their 2017/18 accounts done by a chartered accountant. Just a query really as I know the rules have changed. Do banks/building societies still require a chartered to draw up the accou...
VAT on carriage
The rules haven't changed have they? My understanding is that the VAT treatment on carriage follows that of the goods supplied. I've come across two large suppliers today who haven't charged VAT on the carriage element, only on the goods supplied. Only spotted as I was checking the purchase VAT pe...
Urgent help required - FHL error on tax return
Just completed a furnished holiday let TR and I'm getting the following errorIf there is an occurrence of [PRO5-19] without box 18 on page UKP 1 of form SA105, then box 20.2 on page UKP 2 of form SA105 and the box 5.2 on page UKP 1 of form SA105 from that occurrence must either both be submitted or both be abs...
Reclaiming VAT on invoices that are not in the client's name.
Told a client that she wouldn't be able to reclaim VAT on some invoices because they were made out to a different company. The husband spoke to me today and said that he had spoken to another accountant and VAT can be claimed on an invoice not in the name of the client providing that they things purchased f...
2 UTR numbers
Hi all Was doing my usual end of year client checks this evening on the HMRC site to make sure everyone had been submitted even though I knew they had (apart from 1 who hasn't paid me as yet so he can have the penalty) when I noticed a client whose return I had submitted on Monday was still showing as 'Not yet...
Hi all, A client informed me today that he had received a gift from his elderly Father in excess of 25k (not sure as of yet if the Father has an accountant) am I right in thinking that this should be treated as a Potentially Exempt Transfer which would fall under the 7 year rule with IHT taper relief and tha...
Weekly paid Ltd Co Contractors and CIS suffered - Payroll Manager
Good afternoon, Our Ltd Company clients who have CIS deducted are monthly paid, and the neccassary deductions entered into Payroll Manager. However, we have two new Ltd Companies who suffer weekly CIS deductions. There does not seem to be an option to record the weekly CIS deductions within Payr...
Any Xero users on here please? EC VAT help needed please .....
Hi - I am having bit of a brain ache and just need a sounding board please. I am using Xero for the first time, after 30 years of Sage, and I just need a bit of help making sure I am understanding it properly. My client buys and sells goods and services from and to the UK, the EC and outside EC. My client has jus...
Employee pension contributions different in NEST
Im a bookkeeper for a small limited company with 12 employees. Our weekly payroll is run by our accountants using Sage They provide us with a breakdown of payroll elements and also send data to NEST for those of our employees enrolled in the workplace pension. I have noticed that sometimes the pens...
Basic Paye - extra one off payment
I use basic Paye Tools for my client, his employee is paid weekly for 3 days work, on a wednesday.This coming week it will change to 5 days per week, paid weekly on Friday.The employee has just been paid an extra payment for working Thursday and Friday.That is after I had submitted his wednesday weekly...
Differing previous pay figures
Hi All, At the beginning of November I received a P6 notice for one of my client's employees. It also showed previous pay and tax figures from the employee's last job. The previous pay figure was only about twice the tax figure which I thought a bit odd at the time, but entered the figures in the payro...
CIS Late return penalty
Morning all (well it was when I started typing) Just wondered if you were aware that if you filed a Nil CIS return after the 19th due date and subsequently received the £100 late submission penalty then you can appeal this online and HMRC will agree the appeal and cancel the fixed penalty. I had always b...
VAT Disaggregation
Good morning all My client (Ltd Co) has been approached by someone they know about possibly going into partnership together, I do not have all the details as yet but just wanted to run a few things by you to see what your initial thoughts on the situation are. At the moment my client has his own Building C...
Vat - urgent query
I've got VAT agent status, but not for this client. They can't file their VAT return, which states there is no return due when they log on, despite a return being due every 31October since forever. Can I file using my agent login account? I don't think I can but not at home to check it out. Deadline tomoz...
MTD Confusion
Hi all. I'm really confused with regard to MTD for Vat. And I'm hoping you can all help me. I'm a bookkeeper. All my clients have their own Sage software which I use to prepare their Vat Returns. Historically I always submitted the Vat Returns via the HMRC Government Gateway, but in readiness for MT...
Purple Lava