Best way to deal with a loss.
Hi, I have a sole trader with a loss of £12k. Business was set up in 2005 however over recent years the business has declined. What is the best way to use the loss as the sole trader doesn't think there will be much of a profit next year so I'm thinking that carrying it forward is a waste. I have checked their t...
AL Tax Code?
Just been on to HMRC (1) to request a change to a clients tax code, which had been split between two employers, one of which he no longer works for. The lady advised that the new tax code would be 1060AL, with the A standing for accumulated. Not come across that one before, and gov.uk doesn't list it. Any...
Notice to Complete a Tax Return.
Good afternoon. Please accept my apologies for the posting which is little more than a moan. I have had 7 clients telephone this morning all complaining that HMRC have sent them a Notice to file a 2014/2015 tax return, when I had advised them I had already filed it. Of course if you look at the Notice itse...
Hi , A client completed a P50 and submitted it along with his P45 to HMRC to claim back the tax paid in the year. He started up a company as a sole director and now has to complete (or I do) a self assessment. My question is: How do I complete the SA Employment part if I don't know what he earned in the tax year? Ge...
Haulage company with no fuel receipts, Tax return question!
Hi, I have a haulage company with no fuel receipts however all fuel is purchased via card and therefore shows on the bank statements. I notice on a few of the receipts (that he does have) there are other purchases such as snacks so when I have gone through the statements with him I have asked what he is clai...
Deferring Capital Allowance Claims
Hi I just want to make sure that my understanding is still correct, as HMRC website is not clear on this subject. My client can claim around £2500 AIA and about £300 WDA, however, the taxable profit is only £10,800. Am I correct in thinking that you can defer claiming the AIA and put the £2500 into the po...
Claiming for wife as secretary
Hi, I have a client who states his (self employed sole trader) work colleague's accountant has claimed expenses for his wife to be his secretary. Is this allowed? Thanks in advance
Partnership Self Assesment
Ok so i need to do a Partnership Self Assessment, i have spent hours trying to get hold of HMRC to get a form. Whilst on hold i heard that most forms are available online and i found form SA104S and a help sheet. Is this the form i need to complete for a partnership SA, and do i need to submit one or one for each p...
Registered with PAYE but with existing employee under the threshold
Client with one employee under LEL has taken on another, over LEL. I've registered them for PAYE but what to do with previous pay for the existing employee, when entering on Moneysoft. Im tempted to just put the individual amounts in from April but I'm worried that this will create a penalty situatio...
Invoice in euros to Austria Germany USA spain
I have a UK based client who is on frs vat. He is a language interpreter. He invoices in Euros to the above countries. His client are based in the above countries not uk. Does he need to account for turnover from the invoices and pay percentage of frs vat to hmrc. Does he have to charge them vat at all? Thank y...
Pink Panther
P11d help please
Hello, I am trying to prepare some p11d's. I have never done these before. My client has paid for 3 months worth of gym memberships for some employees. I though that NIC's had to be paid on this, but I am filling out the form online and whichever box I fill out, it says that no NIC's are due. Does anybody kno...
Blonde Accountant
Vat on Car sale
Dear All We are a Vat registered take away business. 7 years back director had sold a car to the business for £5k and we didnt claim vat on it. Right now, the car is going to be sold to an individual for £1.5k which is a loss. Am i correct in assuming, we don't have to charge vat on sale as its under Vat Margin Sc...
Hi all, I need help. I sent it to refund tax, but then I realised I made a mistake filling it. I am trying to call HMRC, but it is always busy. And now I don“t know what to do. Thanks
Paye address
Hello, I have noticed you can use a address form to change your address on the hmrc website, I don't need to change my address only check they have the right one. Is there a direct number I can call? Also do they update your address from your p60? Regards Simba-ali
which month does this fall into?
I have a client who pays himself around the 11th of each month, I have just been doing his bank rec and see he has paid himself again on 1st June. I have already filed the May payroll. As Payroll includes up to 5th of the month which month should this 2nd payment fall in. Thanks
Supplier Write off
I am writing off three supplier accounts. These are never going to be paid for various reasons and the suppliers are not expecting payment. On sage when I do the Write off, it automatically posts to Tax Code T9. One account (two years old) was zero-rated anyway so no VAT was ever claimed. But on the othe...
Different pay dates
after a bit of advise. I have a payroll client who pays monthly. I usually charge a monthly amount of £20.00. But the client cant always pay a family member on the usual date due to cash flow. As I dont know when the family member will be paid I leave it and do a second payroll separately. Would you charg...
Silly Digits
Emailing payslips
Hi, I have just read this and wondered if anyone was aware of it, and does it include payroll bureaus and MIP's who process payroll for their clients?? " Following a recent court case involving Google inc. v Vidal-Hall, the Court of Appeal have clarified the rules under the Data Protection Act 1...
Adding two VAT returns together?
Hi, As you can probably tell by my subject title I'm VERY new to Sage and am totally unqualified. I'm just helping out with the family business by doing the books so please be gentle with me. I've just completed our most recent VAT return and it said there were 9 unreconciled transactions (had some late i...
Holiday Pay - average of last 12 weeks
I'm beginning to have doubts on whether I have calculated the holiday pay correctly for an employee of a client. Their basic week would be 37½ hours. Occasionally they work 35 hours and more often they will work more than the 37½ hours. I have been taking the average of the last 12 weeks and working out th...