Capital Gains
HI, I have a client who is employed - but I complete his tax return as he rents out property. He has recently told me that his employer has given him some shares in the company - He said it was a "profit share" . Can anyone confirm if he will pay CGT on these shares in this tax year as its a "cha...
Submitting RTI as an agent without finalised authorisation
Hi, I have an issue with authorisation for PAYE from my client. I have all the other online authorisations ( SA, CT, CIS) finished but there is a problem with PAYE. I am still waiting for clients authorisation code - two months. I have requested it twice and second will expire tomorrow. By this time I had...
VAT on EU travel and accommodation
Hi, am I correct in that if a UK registered company (registered for VAT also) pays for hotel accommodation in the EU, and the EU hotel includes their VAT on the invoice and charges the company in their currency, then the UK company can only reclaim the VAT via the HMRC online reclaim process direct to tha...
Employee mobile phone
I have a client, who's employee has to use his own mobile regularly for business use. He gets an itemised bill and has been separating the calls that are personal and only claiming the business calls. However, they have paid him two payments without having the bills to hand, therefore no VAT has been cl...
RTI submission failed
HI I'm having a heart attack, someone please advise: Client has just confirmed payroll ok to submit. I use Moneysoft but when I try and send the RTI it fails as it says my ID and password are incorrect. I have look in "Tools" checked my ID and password , they seem OK. What do I do now? Georgie
I've just been reading about RTI following all the letters to employers that have been received this week and come across the following on HMRCs Website:Contingency plansHave contingency plans ready in case of computer and/or other failures or problems, such as a loss of your internet connection...
VAT and retention
Hi, i have a client under CIS who is VAT registered. His client will keep a 5% rentention of his invoice for 12 months. Can someone tell me how to show this on an voice regarding the VAT? Georgie
WDA on Plant & Machinery
Hello all, When calculating the WDA on main pool plant & machinery, how should you treat the disposal of an item at nil value? In this case the item was simply binned as it no longer worked and had no scrap value. I've read the HMRC guidance and am still unsure of how to do it. Is is correct to, A) Dedu...
Tax deductable fraud loss
Hi I hope you can help me? I am preparing accounts and tax return for a client who has been the victim of a confidence trickster during the course of a business transaction. They have incurred quite significant legal fees trying to get their money back which I understand to be claimable as a business ex...
Private person loan to Sole Trader
Can private non UK resident loan money (with interest) to Sole Trader in UK transferring money into bank account? What documents need to be prepared to support this deal? Thank you very much in advance. :)
VAT on a Company Van purchased on Finanace
Hi, After a bit of advice please? We have purchased a second hand company van on finance, it is used solely for business use. Am I able to reclaim the VAT on this as I haven't physically paid the VAT as its on finance? Thanks Roxanne -- Edited by dgts2012 on Thursday 20th of November 2014 01:32:21 PM
Telephone bill
My client is a small Ltd company with only himself on the payroll. He gets the usual monthly mobile bill each month which is his only phone So will obviously have some personal usage. The mobile bill is in his own name, not the company name and he is on the payroll declaring £660/month salary. I have two qu...
Employee Tax Codes
Hi from another newbie! I am an AAT Level 3 studier and have been doing the bookkeeping for a small cafe for a while now (and is my only client!) Just recently they have also asked me to do their payroll which is something i have no clue about! But after alot of reading and the help of sage one i am confident t...
Your Annual Tax Summary 2013-14
Has anyone seen these yet? The first one I have tells the taxpayer in big bold letters that his tax is £255 and that "for every £1 of income, he paid 2p in tax". The trouble is that £255 is only the tax paid at source - less than a third of his liability. There's a whole pie chart on the back showi...
Don Tax
Self Assessment filed backdated
Hi, A friend of mine just asked for help with his personal tax return. I've prepared his tax return for 2013/14 already, which was pretty straight forward. The problem is he's been working as self employed since April 2012 but registered as with HMRC in Aug 2013 only. He was hoping he can declare all his...
VAT inspection
Hi all If a client has a VAT inspection do you always attend the meeting? What is HMRC view if you dont?
SA and Self Employed Personal Allowance
Hello everyone, A client of mine is self employed, but has not been working for the previous tax year so he can sort out his hectic lifestyle, and you might ask how is he providing a living and I believe he is using up some sort of inheritance. The main question I am asking is... He believes, owing to an acco...
David Rosario
VAT refund
Hi all, I have a client asking me when do i expect they will receive their claimed VAT for the last quarter up to 31/08/2014. The company is in VAT checking procedure now. Could someone explain how much time it does usually take to do such a payment? Thank you!
Tax Efficient
the accountants for a company I book keep for has asked if the additions to equipment this year have replaced any old equipment so she can dispose of anything necessary. i have supplied a list to the director asking the question and he has answered 'what is the most tax efficient answer?' so my question...
Electricity bill and VAT
Hi All So at work we have received our monthly bill and as it's now cold we (I) have used a tad more electricity trying to keep warm. The good people at British Gas claim that because we have gone over a previously determined usage level then we should be charged at 20% vat. Has anyone come across this befor...