Attachment of earnings
Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help please. When you work out the % to apply to the net pay of wages for the attachment of earnings deduction, do you have to take into account holiday pay as well? Or do you just base the % on the net pay for normal wages? Thank you in advance.
Pink Panther
Looking for somebody to help me with VAT registration
I am from EU (one man band company) and I am developing and selling app. This is digital product. From what I heard after January 1st I need to register for VAT in UK even if my company is not UK but in EU if I sell digital products to UK customers.Could somebody recommend me some agency or advisor who could h...
Foreign Dividends
Hi All Can anyone just confirm something for me please, a UK resident has foreign dividend income and this should be included on the UK tax return (above 2k), it is just that the firm that done this clients tax return last year told them it does not need to be included which has made me think i am going mad!...
Mobile Phone Expenses
I always take an estimated guess on how much to allow for mobile phone charges. I have an Amazon delivery driver on my books and can't make up my mind, but somewhere between 25% and 50%. Obviously not many calls, but will be high data use. Thoughts?
VAT Exception letter
Morning all One of my clients breached the VAT threshold due to the 12 month rolling period, this was due to a large one off payment of approximately 50k, if they had the spread the payments over a few months they would have been fine but did not consult me at the time so what is done is done, in the 9 months s...
MY ALCOHOL (wine) BILL IS 172.26 including VAT - can anyone tell me what I have to divide it by to get the 22% of it?
MY ALCOHOL (wine) BILL IS 172.26 including VAT - can anyone tell me what I have to divide it by to get the 22% of it?
Ebay fees
Hello Advice please on how to enter ebay fees into sage accounts, the fees include vat to be reclaimed.
New to Payroll
I am a book keeper (record keeper) for my husband and he has taken on a young helper part time paying him £100 a week. I looked on HMRC back in July and it said that due to the low level of his earnings, you do not have to register as an employer. I called HMRC and was told that as well. Apparently we just need t...
HELP! Explaining VAT for D2C sales to EU customers
Hello! We have just moved from Clearbooks to XERO and I'm finding it really hard to know the correct way in XERO to explain/reconcile web-sales of goods (greetings cards/wrapping paper) we have made to customers in the EU, where we have charged them 20% VAT on goods (because they are end-users and not...
Polly H
Taxpayer is in Scotland; but POA is in Engladd - which tax is due?
Scottish person in Scottish care home being paid for with pensions and rental of house in Scotland. Person with Power of Attorney POA, lives in England. Tax return was for Scottish Tax last year but this year, 2019/2020,has been changed to English - who is responsible for the Tax? Can I leave at Eng...
Use of home allowance
Hi , I wonder if anyone can help please. I know that HMRC have stated that use of home @ £26 per month can be claimed for employees for the year, however can it still be claimed for part of the year. For example, the employer paid employees £26 per month from May-July, but now it has stopped, but the majorit...
Blonde Accountant
Sole trader tax return
I agreed to do a tax return for a uncle's friend who does some general building works ( sole trader ). I dont work in practice, i work in industry but just wanted to help him do the return just to get an experience - as i am thinking maybe i can do a little side business in the future- doing simple tax returns fo...
Furloughed Director - Obtaining new work
Throwing open for debate. If a sole director, furloughed because there is nothing happening in their line of work, spends a small amount of time trying to gain work, would this disqualify them from receiving furlough, and would costs incurred be allowed? The question has been asked of me and its lef...
JSS from 1st November
Hi All When furlough started, employers with staff who work variable hours I worked out their average hours from the previous 12 weeks or 3 months (dependant on pay frequency). With the new scheme will I be taking a 12 week or 3 month average back from 31st October or use the original figures? -- Edite...
Calculating VAT Margin Scheme and iZettle Fees
Hello, we are using the VAT margin scheme on our sales of products (memorabilia and art) that fall into the scheme (pay 16.67% on the difference between the purchase and sale price of the item) and looking for advice on how this should be calculated, also taking into consideration the amount received...
Help choosing a payroll software
Hi everyone! I currently work for a large company doing in house payroll, I am qualified in payroll and bookkeeping up to level 4 But the money isnt great so I am looking into working for myself in my spare time in hope to eventually be fully self employed eventually. I have 3 clients already for bookke...
VAT tax point and processing issues
I have a (standard) VAT registered Limited company client who supplies kit into business premises on a monthly rental basis. I'm being a bit vague on the product for confidentiality purposes. So let's say its industrial hoovers. They then also supply 'consumables' used as and when it was nee...
understanding vat
Hi guys I am trying to understand vat better. They say vat has to do with concept called ' utility' . Utility is about how businesses want to make their products be very attractive to final consumers. They achieve this in four ways. 1. Form- They convert raw materials into finished products 2. Time-...
The forum is dead, long live the forum
When I first joined this forum it was quite lively with several posts a day and some interesting discussions. Over time, contributors have dwindled and we are now left with a handful of regular contributors. It can be more or less a week without any posts made and both I and Doug have experienced no res...
September Furlough help please
Hi, I have a wages client whose staff have all been on furlough since April, he was wondering for September when he has to make up the extra 10% of their wages to 80%, if he can bring his staff into generate income to pay the 10%. Also he wonders if work does pick up in September, could he claim the 70% and the s...
Blonde Accountant