Accountant acting as Agent for VAT
We want to authorise an accountant to deal with VAT affairs on behalf of a company. Does the accountant have to be in England or can you authorise an accountant who is in Ireland? I am guessing you can but would like a more definite answer if possible. Elaine
Elaine R
Self Assessment Software
Hello, I'm just wondering how you get the really nice looking completed self assessment form. When I print mine out its in this kind of listed (boring) format but when I've received work from other accountants where they have included the last tax return filed it comes in a form format which looks more...
Vicki Newman
Error on VAT return
Hello, my first posting here so I hope someone can give some advice. I have just noticed that an old VAT return, from about 18 months ago, has the wrong VALUE OF PURCHASES in box 9. The VAT claimed back was the correct amount but the purchases value should have been higher. I did a straight copy from the p...
T24 in box9
Hi all, does anyone know why if using T24 tax code for one of my subcontract in EU I'm not getting the box 9 on the vat return filled in with the net amount? I have unlinked the T24 from T1, should I link them again or link it to some other code?Thanks!
Holiday pay calculation after maternity leave
Employee SMP ends next month and she is wanting take the accrued 28.5 days holiday pay before she returns to work full time. We usually pay holiday pay on the average pay over the last 12 weeks as hours are variable. Do I calculate her holiday pay rate based on the hours she last worked which was 9 months...
HMRC self Assessment repayment issue
Hi, I've been doing Self Assessments for about the last 4 or 5 years now without any issues. I've recently done a CIS one for a guy in London. When I have gone to request the repayment it looks like everything is fine but then days later it is still showing as repayment available. it doesn't update to sa...
Elaine R
self employed mileage calculated from fuel costs
I have a client who tells me her previous accountant estimated her mileage for her so that she doesn't have to keep records. I have told her that she has to keep records from now on but for the last tax year I have fuel receipts for about £1500 and she wants me to estimate the mileage from that. I am not happ...
use of home when kitchen/diner is used
Client uses kitchen diner for office work. When calculating the number of rooms to apportion the home costs the kitchen is normally excluded. In this case would I include it as a room?
VAT on European invoice on QuickBooks
Hi I would appreciate some guidance on how to handle a European VAT invoice, which I've not dealt with before. My client is a small retailer and has bought some stock from Denmark. The invoice specifies that VAT at 25% has been paid. How does this enter this invoice on QuickBooks and where does should it...
PAYE and Self Employment.
Hello, I have a client who works as a photographer for a company. They pay her for the work she does, mileage and expenses. They send her a payslip every month and a P60 at the end of the tax year. However, she does not pay any tax on these payslips or NI and the P60 show a nil balance as well the only balance on...
Vicki Newman
Directors pay
Am I right that a directors salary (or any salary), to keep it below paying NI and Tax should be £663 a month?
Have a client (company director) who has never taken a salary before, but would like to start now.
As we are in Month 2 should it be adjusted so she gets the £10000 for the year?
Hello everyone, Just a quick question for the people more cleaver that me :))) We issue a P60 to everyone who's working for the company at the end of the tax year. But, what about the employees that already left. Can these employees claim a tax refund just with their P45 sent to them? Any link will be so muc...
PAYE cumulative and non cumulative in same year
hoping someone may know the answer, a friend of a friend has asked me a question about their PAYE which has flummoxed me a little (don't have that much experience with payroll).
They were employed part of the year and PAYE on a cumulative basis (had a tax code 860L as has element to travel benefit)...
Claiming Fuel Allowance - Self Employed - no mileage recorded
Hi All Just want to make 100% sure before I go back to my client. I have a client who uses his vehicle partially for business. I looked at his vehicle insurance and he is only covered for domestic & commuting, with no mention of commercial use at all. I said that it would be difficult to claim for fuel/v...
Employer allowance
Hi, I do the payroll (Sage 50 V19) in our company (3 employees) but I only know the process of what to do, I have not done any courses on it so excuse this for being a probably a really simple question. With the new employers allowance that has been brought in this payroll year how can I keep track of it, i...
Yet another payroll question
Can you clarify the following for me as I have been advised that HMRC no longer allow net to gross payments? In the employee settings it askes for a range of hours worked and an hourly rate. The employee takes home £182 so I was going to set it up as Gross 185.95 which works out to be 29.46ish hours per week bu...
How to document receipt of VAT.
Hi One of my clients - an IFA - has just registered for VAT. Some of his income is VATable - some is exempt - I'm comfortable with the partial exemption side of things. My issue is that he works through a company which is essentially a group of IFAs with a centralised admin/finance team. Basically, his c...
New Starters
Hi, does it matter if the start date for a new employee was the middle of April but the first payroll run is done in May? Georgie
'Casual' workers???
I was going to entitle this post as 'cash-in-hand workers', but didn't want anyone to spill their tea! I don't know if these forums are being swept by HMRC either?!! Anyway, it is just a general question/discussion. Do you think it is still fairly common for certain businesses to operate with cash-in...
Construction invoice
Hi All I have taken on a new client who is in the construction industry. I use Sage Client Manager. They currently create their invoices on Word, and I am wondering if Sage can cope with creating a similar version? The elements of the invoice are - Line 1 -Valuation to date Line 2 - Less previously inv...