Bookkeeping business start up, seriously lacking in experience.
Hello! My name is Tom and I'm coming up to completing the ICB level 3 Computerised Bookkeeping exam. I have completed Level 1, Level 2 in Manual and Level 2 in Computerised Bookkeeping. My practical experience is limited (12 months worth, 5 years ago). I want to start up my own Bookkeeping business, wi...
Tom H P
New Client Checklist
Hi All I am starting up a new book-keeping business, and am worried that when I drum up the confidence to actually see someone I will forget what info I need from them, is there a checklist type thing available that anyone is aware of? Cheers, Jo
Jo Legg
Sample letters and spreadsheet templates
Hi all, I have recently set-up a book-keeping practice and have taken on a few clients in the last few months. I was wondering if anybody knew if there was a resource for useful template letters and spreadsheets that could be used for managing our practices and different options to complete our client...
Got my practice license, now need to start attracting clients?
Hello, I have recently recieved my practice license from ICB and have the relevant PI insurance. I have just launched a website, kept it quite basic for now. www.gp-bookkeeping.co.uk Has anyone any ideas on how I should go about finding business, I know a lot of people with links in the construction i...
Personal Indeminty Insurance
Just roughly, does anyone know how much Public and Professional Insurance cost? Are we talking 100's or 1000's? Many thanks
Client Charges and a new Bookkeeper questions...
Hi to all, I am starting the process to work from home, getting the info together, company name, looking at software, website set-up etc, before I go live, hopefully in the next 2-4 months, offering a Bookkeeping service incl. Payroll up here in lovely central Scotland. My background is : done ever...
sharing documents
I think it would be great if there would be a place on this forum where we could share - upload,download - (public) documents,publications,sample letters,etc.
Student Book-kepper.. advertising guidance please!
Hi all ive decided to go self employed in doing book - keeping and VAT returns i am currently studying my final year of AAT. I just wanted to ask peoples advise of how i should advertise... would i say i am a current student of the AAT? should i use a business card? -- Edited by jammy_dodger on Thursday 23rd...
Money Laundering Regs - proof of identity
I was just reading Quentin Pain's website and the bit about Money Laundering and a thought occurred to me about the proof of identity. Is it a requirement that a printed photocopy of a drivers licence/passport be taken - or would a picture of it taken with an Iphone suffice? The picture obviously store...
Payroll query
Hi all, I have a payroll query. I had to set up a new employee (using QB Payroll) and had the P45 with a start date of 1 Sept. I duly filed this online with HMRC. I was then told that the employee did some work in August that my client wanted to pay her for immediately, so I did a bacs payment of £190 and though...
Sage Question
Hi i am still fairly new too sage, so the problem that i have is that sage loads up as a limited company, as i will be a book keeper, how do i change sage to make it not a limited company..if anyone gets what i mean??
Sage Help please
Good Evening all, I have accquired a new client who has 4 branches/depots. They are currently running Sage and want to be able to see the individual running costs for each branch from general expenses, utilities to wages. Their previous bookkeeper set up the 4 branches expenses in the purchase s...
Pre payments and Accruals
(1) I have Accrued £100 every month for the last two months for Telephone Now I have received a Phone bill for the last three months ( including this month) for £380 What do I do now? (2) I have made a prepayment of £10000 for insurance, the insurance cover startson01/09/10 and ends in 31/08/11 What journ...
Suri Amirthan
The Minute Speech when Networking
Hi Having had some brilliant help from this forum before I am hoping you guys can give me some tips. I started the business in April and have tried all sorts of advertising - which haven't worked! Soooo, I have taken the plunge and started networking - both breakfast and lunch meetings. My problems is.....
Love or hate accountants?
Our experience over the last few years is that there is a bit of a love hate relationship between accountants and bookkeepers. We believe accountants should do accounts/tax and bookkeepers should be doing the books and helping clients day-to-day, week-to-week or month-to-month. But, it seems a...
Employing staff
Hi all I should be reaching a level of work soon where I'll have more than I can comfortably handle. Rather than work longer hours or turn down work I was looking at recruiting staff. That way the clients will still be mine. Margin on staff will prob be 10%-20% - realistic? Any advice or experiences? C...
MCOL or Collection Agency
Hi I have a client (soon to be ex client) who owes me about £1000 split over three companies going bakc to June 2010. He has now stopped returning calls, emails and letters so I am going to have to look to legal means to try to get my money. My question is, has anybody used the HMCS online services www.hmcour...
I need explanatioN!!!
drew 1,200 cheque for cash and recorded in a Cash Account.The question is how to record it in ledger in double entry format?Then we have some other transactions and another "Half of the remaining cash was paid into the bank".Again there is a cash and Bank account I am confused because all ch...
Help loading avatar
I keep trying to load a piture for my avatar, but when I click on the button to load a file, nothing happens. I can't even see a list of the Dallas ones widely used to pick from either. What am I doing wrong? I'd like to load a .jpg file from my pc as my avatar, is it ok to do that?
ICB - Corporation tax returns
Here's todays source of confusion What level can ICB members complete corporation tax returns, I was under the impression you couldn't. But BTC Software are now displaying the ICB crest following their review and I didn't see it was limited to SA only. Does that imply members will be able to do CT retu...