anyone offer credit control services?
Hi there. I'm meeting a potential new client tomorrow who wants his credit control taking care of..
I was just curious as to how other people charge for credit control services, ie fixed monthly rate, rate per hour, percentage of cash collected?
Thank you.
Flex Accounting Services
Local Bookkeeper allowed to do self assessments?
Hi, I'm waiting my final exam in August before I'm AAT qualified. Most of my experience over the past four years has been payroll and some bookkeeping work. I've done the odd simple self assessment for family/friends. I've been approached by a potential client to do his self assessment- I wouldn't ta...
Advice on AAT entrance exam
Hi Everyone I have done IAB manual level 2 and 3 but I am about to join AAT level 3. I was told I had to take an entrance exam. I was wondering if anyone had taken it recently and could give me a clue what sorts of topics I should revise please?
New Client
I have recently started my own business and have a few possible clients who have not confirmed anything with me yet but I also have one who is pretty keen and wants to meet me. I have agreed to meet them early July (when I am officially self employed) but I was wondering if I should charge them for the time I...
Career advice
Hi Folks I have been doing credit control for the last 10 years, and now have got very bored of it! I got made redundant from my last credit control position a few months ago. So, now I have decided to try something new. I have now started the ICB Book Keeping course and was wondering if any of you folks...
End of year Accounts
OK, I know this is probably a really stupid questions but nothing ventured.... If a client asks you to prepare end of year accounts for their accountant would the accountant just be expecting a Balance Sheet and Profit and loss? Also if the client only has a list of all invoices they have issued and all...
Starting an association
Apologies for this not being strictly on topic, but there is so much collective wisdom here that it seemed an obvious place to ask for a bit of help. I'm part of a group that is looking in to setting up a national association. I can't give much information as at the moment it's all a bit hush-hush, but we're...
Income and Expenditure Account
Hi Just a quick question I complete a lot of s/a for small businesses and don't usually produce accounts unless they request them However, I thought I should maybe include an income and expenditure account as standard just to maintain professionalism. My question is, where I have used mileage allo...
lots to learn
Good morning, I hope someone can help.... I have been asked the question this morning by a potential client.... are we a payroll bureau? Can someone please explain to me the difference between this and a normal payroll service? Many thanks
CET Bookkeeping
A blatant advert
I've just realised that I don't know if we're allowed to advertise here or not, but I'm sure a mod will remove it if I have overstepped the mark. I have just teamed up with a web designer to offer web sites to my customers, but I thought I'd offer them to you guys too. We're doing a four page site, with a co.u...
as a rent or as dividend?
Hello everyone, I am here to ask a question. My Ltd company usually has a rent rate £16,000 a year (my aunt is the landlord and this is her only income) I also pay her rental income tax about £2000 a year. You know I was thinking of let her become one of the shareholders in my company. So she can get dividend of...
0845 numbers - great professional look or a waste of time?
Just interested in the views of others from the forum. I have used an 0845 number for about the last year and after much consideration (and a large amount of procrastination) I have decided it had to go. I now have a local number and after talking to many people (including the guy who printed me 500 busin...
National Insurance contributions
Hi all, is there a minimum amount of NI that someone has to pay across to effectively qualify for their 'stamp' i.e if they were a Director paying themselves £500 / mth, they would obviously only pay a small amount across.... Many thanks
CET Bookkeeping
Genny Jones - More than an accountant
For over 15 years, I have worked in various roles in the accounting profession and still keeping my passion for music and dance. In my early twenties I even use to run a dance company over the weekends and even wrote a dance drama which was performed in a small theatre and various community centres. I rem...
Hello from NY
Finally i got this forum and registered myself this is looking very nice place to learn and share new ideas thanks
Good question for you..
Hello everyone I have a good question that I believe I know the answer to but just want you to clarify. Most banks now ask for a personal guarantee on overdrafts, loans etc which they will call upon if the company goes bump. I have a client that pays back a loan and some credit cards through his new busine...
Lisa Jo
Mileage claims????
Good morning, hope all have had a good weekend. When putting through mileage logs for a company vehicle is there a set amount from the miles clocked up that can be put through to reclaim the VAT? i.e. 42p per mile or 45p per mile? Guidance would be appreciated. Many thanks
CET Bookkeeping
Question 3 need solution
Question 3You are presented with the trial balance of Law Limited for the year ended 31 December 2006. DrCr $000$000Accumulated profits 2,100Administrative expenses5,600 Provision for doubtful debts 250Buildings3,500 Buildings accumulated depreciation 1,000Cash at bank and in ha...
Question 2 (need solution as i don't have a markscheme)
Question 2 You are presented with the trial balance of CWS Limited for the year ended 31 December 2007. DrCr $000$000Accumulated profits 2,100Administrative expenses5,600 Allowance for receivables 250Buildings3,500 Buildings accumulated depreciation 1,000Cash at bank and in han...
Partnership question
Question 1 Terry and Lampard have been in partnership for many years. The profit sharing ratio has always been Terry 60% and Lampard 40%. The net profit for the year ended 31 March 2007 was $520,000. Drogba joined the partnership on 1 January 2007, and introduced $160,000 into the business; $80,000...