microsoft office live small business website
http://www.officelive.com/en-GB/free-website Hi everyone, A few of my friends use this for their businesses (they offer complementary therapies) and they are happy with their websites. Does anyone else use this? Is it any good for you? Seems a bit too good to be true..... Thanks, Carole
zero rated supplier invoice ... .do I put VAT on customer invoice ??
I've had a supplier invoice for several thousand pounds which is zero rated, do I charge the customer having those supplies VAT? Obviously this will have a negative effect on our VAT so I'm thinking that maybe VAT shouldn't be charged to the customer??
Can VAT be reclaimed on mileage expenses?
I've taken over accounts where employees are paid 28p / mile for business mileage done in their own car. Couple of questions for the 'experts' out there please .... a) I was under the impression that mileage should be paid at 40p / mile. Is this at the company's discretion? b) I've been told that you can c...
New Book Keeper
Hi All, I have recently passed my ICB Level II in Manual Book Keeping and have begun the process of setting up from home. Got insurance, practice licence and seeing HMRC next week to deal with my MLR and any other tax issues. I have begun writing a business plan so I have an idea what I want from the business...
Adam Westwood
how much to charge for small restaurants,sandwich shops, etc.?
Hi, I am planning on setting up self-employed in Cheltenham, Gloucesterhsire. Anybody with advice how much to charge in this area/region? I try to market to sole traders,small businesses in catering/hospitality like sandwich shops, small restaurants, chipshops and sort of people as I am from si...
Agency Worker
Hi Firstly, despite not contributing to this site for a while (can't blame being busy!) I just wanted to say how incredibly useful it is. I read all the posts with great interest and it is wonderful to see how supportive everyone is. I'm just preparing for business to hopefully pick up as the majority...
lots to learn
Possible Client
Just need some advise please. I had a phonecall yesterday from a hotel manager who wanted to arrange a meeting for possible book-keeping work. When she phoned she said that she was the manger of the hotel on behalf of a well known bank. I have arranged to meet up, but I am a bit concerned why she said o...
Silly Digits
I have just started bookkeeping after finishing my exams. Sent out an email to a few local accountants yesterday and have had a reply from one saying to pop in sometime to discuss how we can help each other out. So really pleased to get a result straight away. I'm going to phone in the morning to make an ap...
Should bookkeepers start offering business advice
As you may know, I head up the Crunchers franchise and through some research I have done recently, I am wondering if we bookkeepers shouldn't take the lead and start offering number based business advice to clients? I have trained as a tax accountant and through my role as the Marketing Director of a fi...
What level of service to offer?
Is it common to complete supplier reconciliations. I receive the pile from a client for each period. Now the client (despite his belief to the contrary) is not too organised and on all occasions once all invoices have been inputted I print the aged creditors to have a look and see that I have negat...
Business network event, help!
Hi everyone, I have just been notified of a local networking event for homebased businesses in my community and it is tomorrow night! I have no marketing literature only business cards and I don't have a lot of time to prepare for it but think it would be a good opportunity to go and tell people about what...
Free Payroll Software for small employers
Hi all Dont know if anyone has read the February employer bulletin yet. Employers with under 9 employers can still file paper copies and HMRC have asked for some payroll companies to offer free services and the below 2 companies have agreed to offer this free for on-line filing, they are: Iris Softwa...
Lisa Jo
No work
Well, the accountants I work for have absolutely nothing on the shelves, I await in anticipation for the 5th April to pass so people are knocking the doors down. They are in a postion now whereas all the staff have nothing to do. Im so bored, I think its the kick up the rear I need. I have 2 companies and a m...
Lisa Jo
ICB Level 2 Computerised
Hi to all, I am new to this. Can anyone help? Q. asks to reverse opening prepayment & post prepaid rent to relevant cost nominal Code. If prepaid Where must it go. Rest of paper seems Ok!
thinking of starting book keeping course any help
hi everybody, spent a long time reading your messages and i have gained a great insight to pluses and negatives. my question is this.....i'm thinking of doing a home study course with www.premiertraining.co.uk , and working from level 1 to level 3 payroll management . now before I spend any sor...
Has Things picked up for Self Employed/Limited Company firms of Bookkeepers?
Hi everyone Was just interested to get peoples opinions on how things are now as a self employed bookkeeper/Limited Company firms of bookkeepers? I am in West Yorkshire and before the recession hit I was at the point I was nearly needing to take on someone else as had nearly too much work. Due to the rece...
My new website
Hi I have recently had my website designed and it went live about a week ago and yesterday Bill kindly notified me that he had spotted a typo error, Thanks Bill. What I am asking for is does anyone else here have any comments about it. To be perfectly honest I am NOT looking for a pat on the back what I would r...
HMRC changes for construction workers
Business Gateway/Business link workshops
Hi everyone, Just been browsing the free workshops and seminars for start up and growing businesses and thinking of enrolling on one or two. Have any of you done these? If so, are they worth doing? Are they a good networking opportunity? Which ones would you recommend for a bookkeeper just getting sta...
self employed person's wages
Just wanted to be 100% sure on something. When a self employed person takes money from their business a/c for wages etc, would this be the correct way to post in the accounts: Dr drawings/owner's funds Cr Business Bank A/C All help with this much appreciated!, just wanted to make sure that I use the corr...