Does anyone work for Boogles?
Hi everyone, Just received a card from Boogles Ltd who are a bookkeeping franchise. Although they specialise in the London and Nottingham areas they are branching out to the rest of the UK. Does anyone have any thoughts about this company? Many thanks. Peter PJC Bookkeeping Services http://www.pj...
PJC Bookkeeping
Another forum accountant saying that you cannot be a bookkeeper if you don't know Quickbooks
Van not an asset
If I don't put my clients van thorough as an asset do I post the purchase price as equipment expensed? And when he sold the van how does that get posted? I have just read other topics on this and have come to the conclusion it will be best to take off 20% for personal use on all van expenses that I have posted ra...
Recent new clients have annoyed me !!
Just wanted to have a bit of a moan, sorry !! In the past month or so I have taken on a couple of customers. Both got in touch with me, I visited them, we agreed prices and terms etc. Everything fine. I sent out my letters of engagement. One I havent done any work for yet and they have now cancelled our ag...
Flex Accounting Services
How to build a brilliant bookkeeping business
For those interested I've put a video called "How to build a brilliant bookkeeping business" up on our Website www.thecrunchersfranchise.co.uk.
Clients paying with commercial cards
Hi, Im just starting out as a bookkeeper and trying to get answers to all questions at the mo..i do apologise if this sounds dumb! I'm wanting to know: if a commercial business card is used for business purchases, how do i show this up? So far most purchases are being made through the business bank acco...
Starting Out as an Accountancy Business
Hi All, I am new to forum and hope that i can get something out of this forum and others like this. I am an experienced Bookkeeper and accountant having worked for a number of years with a UK based accountancy business at a senior position and now wishing to start out as my own accountancy business. For th...
Mac compatible Software
Hello, Can anyone recommend some good finance software - any really that is mac compatible - just interested to see what there is out there at the moment as I've just bought a mac, still have my windows computer as well though. ThanksAnn-marie
Directors now looking to get money out of business
Hi, I look after a ltd company with 2 directors. During their first year of trading they didn't take anything out of the businesses. Now in the second year, they are looking at taking a small salary/dividends. Can anyone please help me with what to suggest? I know the accountant would be the best p...
A potential new client - is he dodgy?
Hi There I have just been to visit a potential new client and initially some of the items he was discussing gave me cause for concern i.e he was arrested for supposedly having a stolen tv in his car, that he had just bought in good faith from a friend. His solicitor has suggested that he gets his accounts in...
Need a boost
Hi, I'm new to this and new to being a freelance bookkeeper. I have experience, but just need to get the clients. I have been to various networking events and given out my business cards. There seems to be lots of interest, but that interest isn't turning into clients yet. Please tell me it gets bet...
Continual Professional Development points for IAB
Hi everyone, Can you tell me what you all use towards CPD please? I have attended a few HMRC workshops which count towards my points but unsure what else counts. Hope you can help! Thanks alot. Sue
Susie Sue
Positive news
Hi all, Havent been on here for a while but thought it might be nice to share some positive news. Since starting out in May I now have 2 clients and have two accountants that would like me to take on some of their bookkeeping work...and thats without trying too hard. Although I have accounting experience...
Julie Dawn
Applying for work from accountants
Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help please. I am MICB (comp) and plan on setting up on my own. But in the meantime, to subsidise my current income, I am considering writing to accountants in the local area to see on the off chance if they would like to contract any work out (for financial and ex...
AICB but confused as to what services I'm allowed to offer
Hi, I have practising certificate as AICB (comp) and professional indemnity insurance through their recommended insurer, Trafalgar I think. As I have a lot of previous experience in accounting practice (used to be ACCA) I thought I would now just be able to update myself on self assessment and payr...
Self employed/employed!!!!
Hi all, Im new to this site so please be gentle. I have just taken on a client who is self emplyed (sole trader) but for the last 18months he has been working for someone. my client gets paid fortnightly and his boss deducts 20% for tax. my client has given me invoices, reciepts and bank statements so what d...
cooking oil exempt from VAT???
Is this correct that cooking oil is exempt from VAT? Thanks for your help.
Invoicing for rent - Hairdresser
Hi All, I have a client who has an hair salon. My question is this - she rents a chair out to a self employed lady but is currently putting it through the till as a sale, thus paying vat but could we invoice the lady for the rental of the chair and thus not charge vat with a T9 tax code. Please advise Mr Topps
Mr Topps
Give As You Earn.
Hi all. I have a client who as started to donate under the 'Give As You Earn' scheme. Just trying to clarify in my mind how to account for this in the accounts - Do you set up a Balance Sheet code, like the PAYE / NI side, or does it go straight to the P&L. Help!! Many thanks
Ltd Company Question
Hi Guys, Dealing with my first Ltd Company. The only director seems to have been paying for things with his own money which is causing me some confusion. I'm working with VT Transaction+. If a sole trader did this I'd simply add up all the things they paid and show a capital introduced for that amount....