Common VAT error
Here are some common VAT error made by small businesses Each error has the potential to cost you money one way or another, so it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with them. 1. Not adding VAT to expenses that you charge to your clients. 2. When deciding if you have to register for VAT, misunderstandi...
Another expenses question
Hi I have a client who acts as a consultant and only works away from home. He is sole trade & not vat registered. Apart from his mileage/motor expenses (which we will sort out at the end of the year dependant on personal/business useage of own car) is he allowed to claim any of his subsistance. His hot...
Fixed fee or hourly rate
Hi, I'm just starting to set up on my own and I'm trying work work out what I should be charging. I'm torn between just giving clients an hourly rate or agreeing a fixed monthly (or weekly) charge. I just wondered what everyone else did. Also when you first take on a client, does anyone charge an initial...
Lucy Pearson
Childcare vouchers
Hi, Does anyone know the nominal code on Sage to post the purchase of these to and also where they go on the wages journal when they are paid to the employee. Many thanks in advance.
Advice with ICB level 3, name and signing accounts off.
I've had some really helpful advice here recently, and was hoping for a little more pleeeease!!! I'm completing Level 3 Diploma in Bookkeeping (ICB) and am looking to gain some practical experience (voluntary if necessary) with some accountants. Soon, I do intend to set up on my own. But 3 things I'...
Tom H P
What is my next step?
Hi all I passed my level 2 manuall bookeeping with IAB this year. My local college has just informed me that the level 3 course is cancelled and so I am now left with a couple of choices. a) Distance learning level 3 with IAB or b) distance learning with ICB level 3. My question - is the qualification give...
to get book keeping clients
Please advise me how can I get Clients to start book keeping.
Trial Balance
Help! I'm trying to do a trial balance for my client for the first month of this tax year. I can't get anything to balance!! My question is which figure do I take for each section - the balance to be carried down or the total figure for that month? Also do I include Paypal entries or not (I have set the Paypa...
loan repayments
Hi , Can i just check that i am doing the repayments for a business loan correctly. the loan aount was for £5600 and the payments are £127.57 per month for 60 months so total payable is £7654.21. so the interest is £2054.21 divided by 60 =£34.23 per month i am going to CR bank with £34.23 and post it...
Employee in Germany
I had a call today from a potential new client looking to outsource their payroll. All employees are based within the UK and ROI. They are now going to employ a worker in Germany. This employee lives and works in Germany but will be paid by this uk company. Does anyone know how to approach this payroll a...
ICB Practising Licence
I just wanted to come on here as I have read a couple of people on here saying that it had taken them a long time to receive their practising licenses from the ICB. I just wanted to add that I have had a positive experience with mine. Within four days of posting off the application form and payment, I could...
New to Bookkeeping
Hi friends i m new to bookkeeping. But i have just put my first step in this business.I have just launched my site www.smilepleaseservices.comNow i need suggestion how o proceed with this.
posting of laptop accessories
I have posted the purchase of a laptop to the asset account, should I also post the purchase of the laptop bag to the same asset account or should it be put through the accounts as an expense? Thanks for your help in advance... Client is self employed...
Thats just silly...
Wassim from Sage Customer services phoned me this morning to tell me that Sage had increased the price of their Compliance Starter Pack by £850!! Is this worst customer service call ever? Apparently bookkeepers/accountants buy the compliance starter package but it is too complicated to instal...
accruals and prepayments!
Me again, with regards to the above, the main item is telephone bills, the amount is small and immaterial, but all the same it relates to the year after the date of Invoice so therefore would be a prepayment, I understand the relevant postings but my question is with a sole trader, 1st year trading, wou...
Urgent plea for a fixed fee rate
Hi there I have an urgent plea, I am meeting a potential client tomorrow who wants a fixed monthly fee instead of a hourly rate. I have only ever charged hourly. I have one client for 20 hours per week who pays a lowish rate ( I am negotiating a rise) and another client who is a friend so I do his accounts for f...
Do you need an accountant for SA figures?
I was talking to a potential client today and they said that at the moment she does the books for her builder husband and is registered to file the SA tax return online. If I did his books on Sage and produced the necessary reports from them could I then produce a sheet of figures that she could put online fo...
Start up exhibition
Anyone interested in saying hello we have a stand at Olympia for the new business start-up
Ltd Companies
If a client offers to give me work, can I take on the work if they are a ltd company. I have a level 2 certificate in manual and computerised bookkeeping and have applied for my practising license with the ICB and I am studying for my manual level 3 at the moment. As I understand it, I cannot produce a balan...
a new client at last
Hi all, I have just got my first client today as a result of making phone calls and sending letters to local businesses i am glad that the perserverence has paid off at last. However from looking at the books thay are in a mess there is about 18 months worth of stuff in a carrier bag to sort out ....