Fixed Fees V's Hourly Rate
Ok, since my other thread wasn't to be a general discussion of the pros and cons of each fixed fees and hourly rates I thought we could have one that is. There are no other threads dedicated to this, just hijacks of other topics. So, I'll kick off. I started developing my business based on hourly rate, par...
MLR for remote bookkeeping
Hi Guys, Looks like I may have my first remote client. I'm a bit confused as to how I confirm their identity. Do I just get them to post me a photocopy of their driving license and a recent utility bill? Kris
The big leap to fixed fees
Hi, Has anyone moved away from hourly rates totally? Just curious to see how you have found it. After taking on board some comments made here and elsewhere I have decided that fixed fees are really the only way to go unless I want to stay a small business (which I don't really) I did a few calculations and...
Starting a New Business
Following on from my previous post asking "what does a full set of books look like" I have been mulling over the whole idea of setting up my own business and I am still a bit wary. My current thinking is "So, I have (hopefully) passed my IAB Levels 1 and 2 and I am confident I know what I a...
bookkeeping for beauty salons
Hi All Could you tell me is there anything I need to watch out for with regards to the above as I have been approached by a potential customer and wanted to be prepared.
Bookkeeping Services in Scotland
Hi, I'm at the very start of my business of bookkeeping and accounting services in Central Scotland (AICB and part CIMA qualified with both practice and industry experience). I'm keen to here from other bookkeeping service providers in Scotland (I say Scotland as I know the charge out rates will be...
Opinions on my new site
Hi guys, I'm looking for some honest (but not too crushing) opinions on my new website. I've been working on it for a wee while and it gets to the stage that ou can't see the wood for the trees. Any views would be great. Kris
Advice please re providing quotations for services
Just a quick background - I have one client at the mo, no previous bookkeeping experience and have passed my level 2 manual and computerised courses. I was charging advertising my hourly rate as £8 to £10 per hour but the ICB have suggested that I charge £12 to £15 an hour. I think that this is a bit much to...
Taking over from a dubious book keeper
Hi there, I have just had a very interesting day. Long and short the previous book keeper for this very elderly woman has siphoned all her money and left her high and dry. I am very relunctant to just walk away and leave her to it - considering that this person was more than a book keeper to her and actually...
Bookkeeper - Business Set up
I have a business management degree. After some considerable amount of time I decided that I wanted to become an accountant. Along the way I have gained Level I in manual bookkeeping and Level II in Computerised bookkeeping with the ICB and now am half way throught the intermediate level of AAT having...
Advice please re accountants
I have passed both level 2 manual and computerised bookkeeping and I am applying for my praciticing certificate with the ICB within the next few weeks. Once I have received my certificate, I am going to send out letters to local accountants to see if they can send any business my way. I was just wonder...
Postcards to Small Businesses
Hi, I'm thinking about having some postcards designed and printed to send out to small local businesses in order to promote my services and set the ball rolling to attract new clients. My questions are really if anyone has tried this before and was it sucessful? Also other than vistaprint where the p...
Sage Compliance Starter Pack
Hello everyone, Does anyone use any of the Sage Compliance software for accounts production and tax computations? Is it any good? Is it user friendly? Value for money? Many thanks, Andrea
What does a full set of books look like?
I would love to see a proper set of books! The reason I say this is because I am in the process of setting up my own business offering bookkeeping services to small businesses. I have no practical experience though although I have taken taken the IAB Level 1 and 2 Certificate exams (I am pretty sure I hav...
Clients tax return
Can a bookkeeper submit a clients tax return (not VAT registered) or does it have to be an accountant? Also if a bookkeeper is preparing figures for an accountant what reports would the accountant expect? I've proably got the answers in my brain somewhere but can't think straight today! Thanks Jill
Potential New Customer
This is my first post after watching and reading for the last few weeks Basically upto now all my work has come via my accountant. However a potential new customer has just phoned me who already has a bookkeeper but is relocating from Cheshire to the South Lakes area. He has said that the old bookkeep...
Bookkeeper registering for VAT
Hello Are there any bookkeepers that are registered for VAT? What are the main advantages and disadvantages from your own point of view? I am aware that a bookkeeper cannot complete VAT returns but can prepare them for businesses. Any ideas or theories would be greatly appreciated.
positive cash flow in net loss??
my friend ask me that it can be possible to have a positive cash flow in company from operations in the same year as it has a net loss or to have a negative cash flow in the same year that it has a net income?can you give me answer in detail about this question...so i tell my friends about it.. thanks...
VAT Threshold
Hi All, Hope someone can help ! I have taken on a client (sole trader) who has given me the customery `bag of receipts` - I am working my way through year 08/09 (year ending 31/03), His bank receipts total £80450.00 - he is not vat registered - the threshold for 08/09 is £67,000.00 - what should I do...
Am I really ready for my own business?
I would really appreciate some advice from the professional book-keepers on this site regarding running my own business. I have taken, and am confident that I have passed, the IAB Certificates 1 and 2. I am now studying for the IAB Level 3 Diploma in Accounting and Advanced Book-keeping and have had s...