False self-employment legislation affecting bookkeepers?
Hello again, I have another question as well - has anyone got any knowledge or experience of the false self-employment legislation from April 2014? I sub-contract for an accountant and go in regularly (once per week) to one of her clients offices to do their books. As I understand it, this legisltio...
CIS for Plumber?
Hi, I've been to see a potential new client who is a plumber. He is a sole trader and is getting the majority of his work from another plumbing business, so is in fact sub contracting. Does he come under the scope of CIS? Georgie
Hows Business....?!
Hi all, Just wondered how business was for you bookkeepers in practice? I started mine 8 years ago. I've only ever run it part time, as we had a young family, and it suited me to be flexible and fit in with school runs and holidays etc. From the beginning I had little trouble growing my client base. In fact b...
Un matched subcontractor
Hi, I tried to verify a sub contractor and its come back unmatched as HMRC couldn't verify them, so the tax treatment is 30%. Does anyone have the CIS phone number I cant find it on their new fangdangeld website Georgie -- Edited by Georgie on Monday 16th of February 2015 08:26:11 PM
Clients tax return
1 2
Hi, Can a client submit their own SA tax return even if you are the agent? Georgie
Registering late for Money Laundering with HMRC
Hi all, I am new to this website but have been working as a self-employed bookkeeper for some time. I used to be a member in the ICB which covered me for Money laundering regulations (MLR). However, after my membership ran out and I did not re-new it, I foolishly did not think of registering with HMRC for M...
vat free invoice
Hi Could someone please advise as to how I post the following sales invoice to sage The invoice is for work carried out to a vehicle owned by a charity, the vehicle was purchased VAT free so therefore any maintenance work carried out on the vehicle is charged out vat free, my question is how do I account fo...
Anyone selling...or know where I can get Sage 50 2011??
I have a client who uses Sage 50 2011. I am after a this software myself so that I can do some of the work at home and restore it back on to their sage. They insist I work there and I am getting really behind so am looking to buy the software myself to work at home on now and again. Do you know where I can buy this s...
Is a limited company liable for CIS tax on the fitting of windows?
Just wondering what would happen if..... If you are director of a limited company and on the payroll taking a salary which you are taxed on, does the limited company still have to pay CIS tax as a contractor and subcontractor? A company supplying and fitting windows, it's just a sole trader currently....
Bereavement in the family
Hello my fellow bookkeepers, I am just curious... Just recently my mum passed away and she meant a lot to me, and I have a new client to occupy my mind. The question I want to know is... If you have been in my shoes or just curious to know what it would be like in my shoes, Would you tell your new client about how...
David Rosario
New book keeper starting out and after advice please
Hi All This is my 1st post to this site, although I have dipped in and out to read posts in the past. I am hoping that someone can give me some advice please. I have decided to take the plunge and set myself up as a self employed book keeper. I am a qualified accountant and have a lot of corporate tax experienc...
Into the unknown with a new client
Hi fellow bookkeepers, I have a new client who wants me to do his books on a regular basis and I am swimming in the deep end with no support, and no previous experience of how to go about things. I meet him yesterday to go over what he wants, but today I meet his accountant and the accountant will recon...
David Rosario
Closing down a company
Hello my darlings! OK, weirdy one for me, this... I have a company that has not traded for years. It did trade before I took over as accountant, and since then I have submitted NIL accounts and CT600 - because there were assets on the BS. Now the client wants to close this down, so I want to prepare final s...
Help with theft and fraud
Hi, I know what I'm bound by and have everything in place when I started working for my client, but recently they have been subjected to theft and fraud. The Md has told me that's its none of my business and it's totally her responsibility. What do I do, say to her please as I've already stated that I have a d...
Ask Andrina
Mileage and car cost
Hello my lovelies You know in a sole trader's the first year, you work out whether car costs or mileage will be most beneficial? Well, do you have to stick with the original choice, or can you chop n change? I thought you had to stick to your first choice, but suddenly I am wondering where I have got that fr...
VAT quandry
LONG LONG story short is: Client has set up manual accounts to use as VAT instead of the one from the software (Xero) so I have now reconciled all of them and they are owe 20k in VAT. My question is... I have to put a manual journal entry in to record this VAT owed. So I created a VAT owed (asset account) and pos...
SA100 service company question
Hello helllooooooo To fill or not to fill... this question comes up every year for me. Who fills this box in? I've read its not compulsory, that no penalty can be levied if there is no loss of tax, that even HMRC aren't clear about it, that some guy called Kevin is fighting against it. I'd like to open the...
Authorisation Code
Hi Guys, What's plan B if the authorisation code for a clients tax return doesn't arrive be 31st January ? Is there a plan B ?? Georgie
Van and AIA
Hi, I have a client who has purchased a van on HP and just been checking the AIA on the HMRC website. I am not sure what they mean about claiming if bought under a hire purchase agreement. Can anyone explain this to me please? Thanks Georgie
P/L figures
Hi, I've completely forgotten how to do this: How do you show previous years P/L figures in VT if you have taken on new client? I know I have to journal them in but how do I post last years net profit? Georgie