Van leasing - please advise
Hi all, Got my head in a pickle about the best way to do this and wondered if anyone has come across this before. One of my clients has recently incorporated and has now decided that he needs a new van for work, as he's having problems with his existing one. He's looking at leasing, but as a new Ltd company he...
Wages paid by BACS
My client has previously paid their staff by weekly cheque but has recently enrolled for internet banking and wants to pay all staff by BACS. This has been welcomed by all employees bar one and he insists he still wants a cheque. As employers can we enforce he is paid by BACS or do we have to go along with...
Dividends - Help Please!
Hi Can anyone help with how to deal with dividends in VT transaction+. I've just taken over from an accountant, I need to enter the Dividend amount from the yearend TB (dr) £24,000 and amounts paid in year for Sep £3000. Calling all VT experts for some advice as I'm really stuck with this one Thank...
Meeting with new client...lots of questions!
So I have done a little cold calling to some very small clients and have managed to secure myself a self assessment for a mobile beautician. I know compared to some of you this probably seems silly to get nervous about but this is my first client who may be happy to recommend me to friends/colleagues so I a...
ATT - a question about the definition of a 'close company' - not quite getting it
Hello I am studying the ATT course and the description of a 'close company' seems a bit brief (or maybe just I don't understand) A close company is a company which is resident in the UK and is controlled by either5 or fewer participantsany number of directors who are also shareholders any number of dir...
Business owner dies...how can son pay the employees wages?
question on behalf of a friend His dad died a few weeks ago who owned a vat registered company. I was told the 'probate' has not gone through yet (I'm not even sure what this is) some work has been done since his death and his son needs to invoice the client to get the money to pay the workers. He changed the ba...
Bookkeeping for clients in other locations...through post and email?
Hi, does anybody on here do the bookkeeping for clients who are not in their local area? I want to start advertising bookkeeping services for all of the UK by the client posting the paperwork and using email. I used to think this would never work and people would not be interested, although I expect it is...
Business cards and leaflets
Evening all, I need to get some professional looking business cards and leaflets printed. I have a photo of a card that I designed but no artwork for it. I have a contact through some friends who is charging £20 to design the card and if I wanted him to arrange to have them printed, he would quote me depend...
Considering starting out...
...but still have too many questions. Can anyone recommend a standardised client contract that would suit the purposes of a one-man-band, self-employed bookkeeper? How do you vet/ID your clients? I realise we're supposed to obtain proof of nationality/identity but are we qualified to say suc...
CIS repayments
For anyone going through the current issues of HMRC putting small ltd's out of business by not refunding CIS for many months (6+) which on occassion is causing serious cashflow issues espechially when it comes to paying CT here's a handy helpsheet that the Government have produced (always better to...
Qualifications to do accounts and CT returns for LTD companies
Hi, I'm looking for some input about getting qualified to do accounts and CT return for limited companies. I'm currently ICB qualified (MICB.Dip, PM.Dip), and can provide services such as bookkeeping, VAT accounting, payroll management and preparation of self-assessment tax returns for indiv...
I just paid £24 to become a member
I have just paid my £24 to become a BKN member. Have I really just paid £24 to be able to use a logo as I can't see many other benefits!
Sweetman Accounting
Stamp duty
Hi all Has anyone had any dealings with a company buying/selling land? I have a client who is usually the middle man, receiving agency fees, so his accounts have been quite straight forward. He wants to purchase an "option to buy" on some land, be involved in gaining planning permission,...
Any new bookkeepers?
Hi there, Just wondered if there were many new starters out there that would like to share their experiences.. Im thinking of starting out my own little bookkeeping business, but need to re-register with AAT and apply for MIP- hopefully they wont say no ;) I think I am slightly worried as I don't know w...
Client With Finance Lease and a kickback
Hi/ One of my clients has just taken out a finance lease for a fixed asset, any pointers on the Sage postings ? i.e. do you create a code for the balance sheet liability to post the repayments against or use an existing code, do you split out the payments in the p&l so the interest go to bank charges ? als...
Driving Instructor
Hi All, Can anybody tell me how much to charge a driving instructor for his monthly bookkeeping and filing of his SA? Oh and any pitfalls or advice would be greatly appreciated Best wishes Georgie
New payroll client......advice needed please. THANK YOU
I have a few payroll questions, if anyone could help me that would be great. I have just got a new payroll client. I haven't started yet I have just received an email telling me that she would like to start using me instead of her accountant to process the payroll and has asked me what she needs to do next....
Many questions!!!
Hi guys, I am Seb, currently studying bookkeeping and accounts. I have been a regular visitor to this site for quite a while. Very pleasant and helpful are you all :) I wonder, if maybe you could possibly shine some light for me, I'd be most grateful. The search feature I have used, but to no avail! Anyh...
Potential client!
Hello, Further on from my first post about a new start up, I have had an enquiry for some work! The details are a little vague at the moment but he is a small business with 4 employees. He is needing bookkeeping, accounts, VAT and payroll to be completed. I did not want to offer payroll at his stage. i am qual...
new start up!
Hi all, I have been reading this forum for a few years now and am delighted that like minded people offer such great advice to other bookkeepers, it is by far the best forum I have come across! I have, after many years contemplating it, decided to go it alone after being made redundant in July. I qualifi...