Agent set-up of company - How does it work?
Hi All I am set up as an agent but haven't registered as an agent for anyone yet (I have access to a lot of companies online through 'shared' log-in details). I want to set up as an agent for a client for payroll, but need to register the company as an employer too. Can this all be done online? It confuses me s...
Accounts Production Software
Hi everyoneAfter using Sage Accounts Production Advanced for many years, I am feeling like its too expensive to continue with. I just wondered what everyone else was using and how much it was costing them? Are there any bug bears with your software?Thanks!
Setting up a professional email account - which one to use?
Hello I am now wanting to set up a professional email address, does anyone have any suggestions on who to use for this? I was having trouble making up a marketing email, I had it on word and it looks great but pasting it into a hotmail email to send it looked awful. So do you know if I set up a professional emai...
Client Troubles.
Hi all, I'm having troubles with a long-standing client, and would appreciate any 'outsiders' view of the situation please! I've done the bookkeeping for this guy for about 4 years now. He tries hard, but is not a great businessman. He is so kind that both suppliers and customers give him the run arou...
ltd company mileage claim
Hi all, quick question, my client has put mileage through his business for cycling and using car to drive to and from company he worked at (one of his clients). My question is as I know that if it is a regular basis then it is not allowable as then it is more of a work premises to the client..................
Book-keeping Cloud System
I have been looking over internet for a cloud system - could I have feedback on systems people have used please? I am looking at Fusion Accounts / VT Transactions / Xero Am edging towards Fusion as they let you upload client details etc which would be very helpful feature. any advise would be much app...
Donna CBK
Ltd stealing self employed name
Hi people, bit of a kunundrum combined with a heads up and wonder if anyone else has encountered this. self employed bod registered with HMRC, advertised under their name, website top of google search for their name, etc. Today they get a call from someone who set up a copany under the self employed bus...
Professional Indemnity Insurance
It's time to renew my insurance. I'm interested to know what level of cover you all have. Can you let me know what level of Professional Indemnity you have and then do I need Public Liability on my business insurance if I have it on my house insurance? I work from home mostly, I work at one client's pr...
Sole Trader
Hi Just to clarify - is my understanding correct in that the end of year accounts of a sole trader do not have to be signed off by an accountant? Thanks Bubs
taken over bookkeeping part through the year, transferring to VT and VAT...PLEASE HELP
Hello, me again with more questions I am taking over from another accountant the bookkeeping for a pub. The business started on 29.05.12 and the accountant has done the VAT up until August 2012. So I will doing the next 3 vat quarters. I will be using VT. As I will starting from August, should I be enterin...
Ensuring you have a wage each week/month
I'm hoping to start doing some bookkeeping from home soon however it worries me a little when clients don't pay and you are depending on that money to get you through. How do others overcome this and ensure that invoices are getting paid regularly? I've found that alot of clients get offended if you ask...
Letter of engagement -query
hello everyone i have recently started my bookkeeping business on the Norfolk,Suffolk border covering parts of Norfolk,Suffolk and Cambridgeshire as i am due to be made redundant later in the year from an assistant accountant role, as the company is centralising its branches. i am hoping to sign u...
Discounts or incentives
Hi. i was thinking about offering existing clients a reward if they referred any new clients to me ,and was wondering if anyone else offered this and if so were there any benefits from it . Thanks stephen
Does anyone have a job and work from home?
I work part time in an Accountancy practice from 9.15am until 2.45pm. I only earn £750 per month and to be honest its not enough but I love my job and the experience it brings. I've been thinking of starting bookkeeping from home alongside work but just wondered if this is a bad idea. I have office space at...
How to convert a word document into an email format????
Hello I wonder if anyone can help me. I have made up an email that I would like to send but it's on word and my email is a hotmail account. I have the word document exactly as I would like it, the trouble is cannot copy it on to my email in the same format. I have tried saving it as html, rt..something rather but...
Benefits and tax returns
hi just wondering if you have to put benefits received like housing benefit or income support onto a tax return? Thanks
HELP how do interest rates work please
Hi I should know this but I'm really not sure I want to take out the 24+ advanced learning loan but before I start I just want to get my head around the interest rates on the loan So whilst I am studying the rate is 3% plus the rate of inflation, after this if I am reaning under 20,000 it's 3% so if I take out a loa...
Sage - Sales Commission Vat
Hi all - i'm using Sage Instant Accounts and doing my first Vat Return. I paid the commission vat on a sale and need to reclaim it but because it was entered as a sales credit to balance everything it is reducing my vat reclaim on the vat return. Do i have to manually adjust this or is there a journal or some...
VAT on a recharge
I have a client who has recharged their USA accomodation expenses to a UK client. I think these would have VAT on these as not dispursement costs, as it was the sole trader's accomdation to supply the services. Can anyone confirm? Thanks
Accountex June 2013 Goodies
Hello !I`ve said I`ll be back with some fresh news from Accountex.I am not trying to sell anything, this is not advertising, If I am allowed,I will just shortlist some of the things that I`ve found interesting such as:1. inStream from Celaton. Replace the bookkeeper with automated data entry. Just h...