Just blowing off steam - headcase client
I have just lost a client, which I'm not too unhappy about to be honest. I'm just annoyed at the amount of hassle I've put up with in order to try and build a professional relationship, but to no avail. Basically, it was a new start. His first VAT return was a sizeable refund due to a lot of machinery being p...
Phones, broadband & fax
Hi everyone,Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. I was wondering what others uses for their telecommunications needs. Assuming you are a smallbusiness working from home.Telephone: Do you use land line, home or dedicated businesses line? Just a mobile number? Or do you have a VIOP line?B...
Moneysoft Final Accounts
Hi Wonder if any moneysoft fan can help me I have just purchased Final Accounts and I notice the preset WDA rates are incorrect. Surely these should be up to date. Or am I just supposed to enter the correct ones. Thanks in anticipation for help Valerie
lots to learn
Free Website
As part of our relaunch of offering web services I have decided to offer 10 free websites to members here who don't have one already. It will include:A homepageAbout MeServices We have various different modules you can choose to have on your homepage including:NewsOpening HoursContact DetailsNe...
Thinking of starting out on my own...........
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this forum and I am thinking of setting up my own boookkeeping company.
I am FCCA qualified and have spent the last 30 years working in the Finance Dept of Barclays Bank Plc. I am now looking to earn an income, where I can enjoy flexible working hours that fits in around school r...
p11d expenses on self assessment
Hi all, do the p11d expenses, actually go on the individuals self assessment tax return?. Thank you in advance for your replies.
Being asked for UTR number
Hi everyone, Hope you are all looking forward to Christmas!! One of my clients is a Limited company which does commercial window cleaning. It is not registered under CIS and doesn't need to be. However a new customer is insisting on knowing the UTR number otherwise they will not add the company to...
Bookkeeping for a client's personal finances
Hello everyone, I have recently been approached by a family who are independantly wealthy and would like their personal finances documented by a bookkeeper. They have numerous income and expenditure streams and have asked me to produce the following: Monthly Income Statement Monthly Expenditu...
Video interview
Last week our latest franchisee (Damion Viney) visted Cornwall and we took the opportunity to video record the meeting. I asked Damion a few questions on what he thought about franchising and Crunchers. I thought some members here would be interested in what he had to say. You can watch the videos by c...
VAT on sales in EU and US
Hi All, I have a UK limited Company that will sell on line to the US and EU. They are VAT registered, my limited knowledge of VAT sales overseas was that the are out of the scope up to a certain amount, when they would then have to register with particular country VAT rules. I have only done UK VAT, so...
money laundering regulations
Hi Guys Im a member of the ACCA and have just started a new bookkeeping business, am i covered for money laundering through ACCA or would i need to register with ACCA? Also im looking for professional indemnity, any choices of who will give an affordable rate? thanks
charging clients who pay by cheque
I would prefer my clients to pay by bank transfer as it is quicker and would save me time and fuel by not going to the bank. I am trying to convert my regulars by just asking if they would be able to do this first of all. Then I was thinking if they are unable to do so would it be acceptable to have a charge for this...
Barclays Sales Finance/Ledgermaster
Hi peoples, Can someone please explain to me how the above works? i.e. covered, uncovered, approved, not approved. I haven't come across it before and just started for a new client who doesn't know what it all means either!! but obviously it's up to me to sort it out! (he's only been using it for abou...
Susie Sue
Letter of Engagment - would anyone mind sharing?
Hi All It's been a while since I worked in an accountancy practice, so my knowledge of the various letters is a bit rusty. Would any of you experienced bookkeepers mind sharing your letter of engagement with me? I'm also mindful that I will need to write to existing accountants and request clearance t...
Jo Gordon
Basis Periods Query
Can anyone clarify the following?: I have a client who has been trading as a sole trader for many years, but this year she has started another business running alongside the old one. The new business has the same accounting period and year end as the existing one, but in it's first year of trading should...
Sole Trader and Partner
I have a client who is a sole trader and has made o profit of £8000 but he is also a partner with his wife in another business which has made a loss of £2000. Can he offset the loss in the partnership against the profit as sole trader when submitting figures for self assessment? I only do the books for the so...
Sole Trader v Limited Company (for bookkeeping business)
Hi All Just wondering how many of you have set up a limited company for your own business rather than just running it as a sole trader. I was just going to go down the sole trader route but I've noticed that quite a few of my competitors have formed companies, and wonder whether that might influence potent...
Jo Gordon
Quick, Quick, to Amazon now!!!
Ltd Company and a personal loan
I have a Ltd company client who I have recently taken over. The director took out a personal business loan to buy the business a few years back and at the moment, the director is taking cash out of the company to pay the monthly loan repayments in their private name. As things stand, the loan has not be...
Sales and CIS deductions suffered
Hi all I've recently taken on some bookkeeping work from an accountant. One of the clients he has passed on to me doesn't have copies of any sales invoices so i've been told by the accountant that all sales receipts are to be treated as net plus 20% as CIS gross receipts. Thats all fine, i know the double en...
Nicki noos