Estimation of charge for work and advice please
Hello everyone, I have a client who I haven't started working for yet and they are looking for an estimate of cost for the work they want me to complete. The job is as follows: Monthly income statement showing actual receipts against budget figures with 8 different types of income. Monthly expenditur...
EU VAT Registration Scam
We received an EU VAT Registration letter recently from the 'Intracom VAT Registry' in Brussels, in respect of a client (a new limited company). Apparently, this company is now subject to VAT, and must register with the Registry - along with a fixed fee of £320 which can only be paid by credit card. Thi...
Sage CIS invoice template help.
Good Morning All, I am wondering if anyone has a sage profesional Invoice template they could let me have that shows the CIS deduction? I have no experience of report designer although i am able to make small changes ie. address etc... I look forward to hearing from you if you can help Kind regards Al...
Police Community Clubs Magazine... scam? Pointless?
I'm now in that phase of pushing my business and am forging an internet presence for myself. I'm not a fool and I know that by putting my phone nnumber out there I'm going to get people calling me wanting to empty my wallet! I've just had a call from the Police Community Clubs Magazine asking if I want to put...
Crazy Depreciation
I've just taken over a client for bookkeeping and self assessment. He's not that happy with his old accountant. I've had a look at his final accounts for the last few years and noticed that he has a list of fixed assets on the balance sheet as long as your arm. On closer inspection I see things like a mobi...
Anyone had a problem with handovers?
You may have read that I have taken on a client recently who has been unhappy with his accountant. I'm having extreme difficulties in getting the documents and information I need to take the job on from the old accountant. He's ignoring my letters or emails, and is never available if I call. I've bee...
Ultimate Hourly Rate v Fixed Price Thread
I know this has been done to death, kind of. But there's been a discussion ongoing today on the ICB forum about it. A few folk are saying they would never go for fixed price but I've not really read any real arguments for hourly rate.I am genuinely interested to know, if you do hourly rates and would neve...
Self employed - Thoughts please
Good morning everyone, I would like some input/advice. I am employed part time and also I am self employed have practice license, PII and MLR etc.... The question is, I have been offered a job on a self employed basis for about 10 hours a week for a small company. But, I would use their computer and they a...
ICB Level II mock exam paper
Hi I am going to sit on the ICB Level II exam soon, so is it any chance to get the pass exam paper or mock exam paper? Also, if I passed the level II, can I start to look for some real pratices chance? If so, how should I do it?
A good PI experience
I have to say my experience of arranging PI insurance through the BKN provider (Arlington) has been extremely good. I decided to seek an alternative quote on my last day of cover and they were personable, efficient and - icing in the cake - they came in with better cover at a better price than my origin...
Incomplete records - entering into software
How do you go about things when records are incomplete? I know taking things forward should be fairly easy once you have established some kind of starting point to take forward from. But how do you use software when the records are so incomplete. I'll give an example. Say a client doesn't bother to mark...
Mileage Rates and VAT
Hi all I have a client who has kept a mileage log but no fuel receipts. He is a sole trader who has registered for VAT voluntarily so technically I understand he could use mileage rates but is he able to claim the VAT without the fuel receipts. If so how is the VAT element calculated?
lots to learn
ltd comp shares and capital introduced
Hi all, the client has introduced capital of £1000. Is the following entries on the balance sheet correct?: Notes 2010 £ Fixed assets Intangible assets6 - Tangible assets7 107 Investments8 - 107 Current assets Stocks - Debtors9 - Investments held as curr...
VAT Return due Monday - Missing Bank Statements
Hi I am a bit stuck and could do with some advice I have recently taken on a client to complete his bookkeeping and supply him with the information to file his own VAT return (cash accounting). A couple of weeks ago I collected his papers for and it had a few bits missing and one of these was the bank stateme...
I have so far set up an FB page, and have costings to do a website (although need to get some business/money first). I have also advertised for free on a website that targets mothers in business (I figured as I am a mum raising 3 kids at the same time that this would be an ideal target audience for me), and am l...
Does Ltd Company need a chartered accountant?
Hi There My brother runs a small Ltd company has uses an accountant firm which he's not happy with- does he need a chartered accountant to sign off his account at years end? Any help would be greatky appreciated!
Leaflet drop
I'm thinking of doing a leaflet drop in my local area, say a 1-5 mile radius. What worries me is that I don't as yet have a website, and from a personal point of view, I always check out and use local trades with an inviting website - I know this sounds very hypocritical, as it has more substance. Als...
Sage Restore Error Opening File
Hi Folks, I use Sage Instant Accounts v.10. I work from home and my laptop has just packed up. I have installed the same version of Sage onto another laptop, freshly built running Windows XP operating system. After completing the startup wizard and re-registering my product I have gone for FILE - REST...
corporation tax workings
Hi all, just wanted to ask a quick question to help stop me panicking as I have a tight deadline client. I have decided to add corporation tax return and also companies house filiing to my services, I am having everything checked by someone who is qualified, to make sure I am doing things correctly. I've...
The value of a store front
An accountant friend of mine was recently hired to clean up the books for a bookkeeper who does mostly tax work. This person rented a store front on a busy street and hung up a sign saying "Bookkeeping and Tax Services" or something like that. According to my accountant friend, this person...