Discretionary trust income
Hi, I wonder if anyone could help me this queries I have a client whose tax return has been up until now very straight forward. Employment income, dividends, rental income and an ISA but this year she has received some money after the death of her father and I have no idea where in the tax return it goes. I...
Visiting a new client
Hi all, When visiting a new client for the first time I will be asking questions about the specific bookkeeping that they require. I will be asking about and requesting to see their previous bookkeeping records, to have an understanding of the amount of work needed. At this point do I need to go into mor...
No Self Assessment done
Hi, Oh dear, I've had an enquiry from a chap who started his business in April 2015. He has a government gateway account but he hasn't filled in any Self Assessment Tax Returns at all since he started!!! He must have had the reminders and he said he knew "something" about the end of October. Must be a typi...
Letter of engagement
Hi, Please could someone give me some advice. I'm in the middle of putting my L of E together using the AAT template and am not sure about the contract type ie off premises or on premises. Do I need to include the 14 day right to cancel the contract or does it not apply. I am going to be emailing it to the client...
Company loan by director
Hello. I have a client who set up Ltd and wants to invest £50K. Question is about tax implications. If he was to invest that amount as a loan and then when company makes some profit, after some time, the loan can be repaid to him in instalments - interest free, will he be paying any tax as a director, pers...
Freebies for clients
Hi All, Please could anyone help with my query. I have a new client who buys in goodie bags and fills them with bits of food (energy bars etc), then she gives one to each of her new clients as incentives (she's a fitness instructor). Would this be an allowable expense as a free sample or event hospitality w...
How to charge
Hi, Need a little help please, my minds gone blank (new bookkeeper syndrome) lol I am using Xero and Quickbooks for my clients, for which I am paying the subscriptions and then billing the client. I am using Quickbooks for the bookkeeping for my own practice. So, Xero bill me for my client. How should I a...
AAT or ICB , Please help
Hi my name is Rebekah. Ive just started my bookkeeping journey and enjoying it very much. I am currently studying AAT level 2 bookkeeping, wanting to do level 3 with the end game of going self employed straight away, however I spoke to someone and did a little research and ICB might be a better path for me...
Tax on income overseas
Hi all, I have a client who was employee in UK for the last 6 years till December 2016 and in January 2017 moved to work on permanent employment contract in Cyprus. His family - spouse and children under 18 are in UK and considered as UK residents. I am right to say he does not need to declare this foreign inc...
Temporary Contracts/ Temporary Workplaces and Expenses
I wonder if anybody would be kind enough to help me through the fog in my head! I have a client who works in the construction industry and continually gives me a headache. He always has multiple jobs throughout the year which are always a combination of self employment, PAYE and work through intermedi...
lots to learn
Google adwords
Evening everyone, I'm trying to navigate the minefield that is Google Adwords. Does anyone else use this ? would you advise for or against it? Nic x
12 Pay
Hi I am going to be setting up deductions manually for workplace pensions on 12 pay. Pension with NEST. My client pays 4 weekly. Can anyone give me some advice, mainly setting up a group in NEST, I am presuming I set up as 4 weekly and not tax monthly? The pension contributions I am entering in 12pay I am...
Silly Digits
Psycology of Networking
Another recent thread on networking (in particular BNI) has made me think again about networking and peoples general fear of it. Some time ago I watched a lecture by Susan Cain which I think that we all should watch. It's not about networking but rather about becoming happy with who you are and not atte...
Trivial Benefits
Hi everyone Would someone kindly confirm whether Tesco gift cards, and Google Play are allowed as a "trivial benefit" as per the £300 per year per director? Georgie
New money laundering regulations from 26th June 2017
That's today folks. It's not been mentioned here previously, but from today, all businesses that are required to register for AML, have to have a written policy of their controls and procedures they use in assessing their clients. Other changes include anyone with a previous criminal conviction...
Bookkeeping , MLR ...
Hi I am doing bookkeeping for a company that i use to be employed with but am now self employed. Due to the fact the business is relatively new, they have very little in the way of credit and alot of over head expenses.. The owner however needs to have the books done and since he feels the company can't susta...
Would you be offended?
I'm just wondering how others would feel in a situation which is particularly annoying me. I had some potential clients approach me via my website. They wanted a quote for bookkeeping/accounts work for a new business with very limited information. When I did extract the bare minimum information f...
lots to learn
Work in an accountants office
Hoping for some advice here. After 10 years working from home I needed to gain more clients so I approached local accountants with the hope of gaining some outsourced work. An accountant has potentially offered me a block of work with approx 20 hours a week working on site. We discussed my current rat...
lots to learn
Morning all I was just wondering if everyone else who has their own business is registered with the ICO for data protection, the reason I ask is that mine is coming up for renewal and even though it is not very expensive I did not want to waste money if it was not a legal requirement, the only reason I even k...
Registered or Not?
Hi All. Can anyone tell me what the Pros and Cons are of being registered with a body like AAT for bookkeeping against not being registered with anyone and just going it alone? I aim to start up as a self employed Bookkeeper shortly and would like to know if it is advantageous to be registered or not. Tha...