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Post Info TOPIC: Website & HMRC Link & Logo


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Website & HMRC Link & Logo
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I am in the process of having my website developed and would like to provide a link to the HMRC website and use their logo. Would any of you know who I need to ask at HMRC to get this information

Thanks for your help




M & G Associates


Accountancy Services Plymouth, Bookkeeping Payroll Sage Training



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Hi Mark

You are free to use the HMRC logo as a link but there are some restrictions

Check out their policy

If this doesnt work, go to HMRC home page. At the bottom you will see a copyright notice, click on it and follow the links about linking

As an added thought, you are also allowed to use the logos and link to DirectGov
 Business Link and Companies House. Again there a some basic restrictions

-- Edited by Wella on Friday 29th of January 2010 12:12:20 PM





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Hi Bill

I have just looked at your website and see you have these links also.

Thanks for send the link which works and I apologise if this is a dumb question but I have no idea about web design.

How do I get the logo which links to the HMRC home page onto my site, or will be developer know how to do it if I send him the information you gave me earlier




M & G Associates


Accountancy Services Plymouth, Bookkeeping Payroll Sage Training



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Hi Mark

Im sure a developer will know how to do it but from memory I think I just copied and pasted the HMRC one. Some of the others required adding a link to the image.

Most of the restriction appear to be that the page must open in its own window and that colours and proportions aren't changed (I had to make some of them smaller but didn't change the proportions). The worst one is the Companies House logo, it is not a very sharp image to start with.

Good luck with the site. Let us know when it's up and running






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Thanks for your help Bill

I will forward this on and see what comes back

Yes I was going to post my website address when it is live and ask for feedback.




M & G Associates


Accountancy Services Plymouth, Bookkeeping Payroll Sage Training


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