I have recently worked on two sage customers and on both assounts when i ran file maintenance I got a warning that ; Purchase Aged Balance disagrees with Creditors Control By £xxx I onlw work to T.B. and the Accountant said to just leave it as it was a small figure,he would do it later. Been bugging me tho' what to do as I have already come across it twice! Would I have to run T.b. s and creditor control a/c balances each month till I find out what month the problem occurs in, then run nominal activity for the Creditors control account for that month to find the error? Tony
I can only think that maybe a figure for a supplier has been put in as an opening balance without the corresponding CR (being creditor control and output VAT).
I run 2009 and with this you can track down transactions causing discrepancies by running TB reports by transaction alternatively filter our your list of transactions in financials to opening balances.
This is all dependant on the first part of my post being correct, it's a guess based on something I came across recently that I managed to sort.
Is it way out? When you actually run an aged creditor listing does it differ from the nominal ledger? I ask because I think in some older versions of Sage there was a glitch whereby the maintenace gave this error warning without the entries actually being wrong. I think Sage had a way of putting it right but I cannot remember what it was!
Thanks for that info. It is earlier version of sage and yes the Creditors control account shows 95025.75 but the aged creditors report shows 94920.39 so difference -105.36.
I always run my sales, purchases & tax control accounts to check these balance to get my vat, this is how I pick up journals with T1's. If you reconcile the vat this way before processing the vat wizard then you can pick it up from the reports. I would go through the vat returns as it should be on there with it being purchases. Good luck.
Thanks Lisa, This potential client called me to ask for a price on some book-keeping and I took a copy of her accounts (With her permission) I was just looking over them but she hasn't contacted me since ( 2 Weeks ago ) so maybe not landed this one anyway.
Tony, don't let this one get away. Give her a call, i suggest give her a fixed monthly fee, she may be very busy but I doubt she would have let you have a copy of her sage unless she was interested.
Rob, I spoke to the client today and she is going to call me back tomorrow. She was having troubles with her current Book-Keeper and had called me in for an opinion. Will keep you posted. Tony