I am getting frustrated by the online authorisation system, my client sent me the code to authorise me to act as his agent on saturday and I entered it straight away, I am currently waiting for the client to appear on my authorised list, but now they have disappeared from my unauthorised list and don't appear yet on my authorised list, slighty confused to where my client has gone!
It says on the HMRC website it can take 24hrs, so I would have thought it would have happened by now!.
I think Bill (or someone on here) had a similar problem to this a while ago and his client disappeared then came back again.
But don't get me started about the online authorisation system, I have received one code today and tried to use it and got an error message saying that it was incorrect, how could it be it had only just arrived, so I have had to request another one. And I have a payroll client whose accounts office and paye references are not recognised by the system and hmrc told me to use the paper forms, I thought they didn't want us to use them any more.
I'm pretty sure that it was Bill that happened to before but it did appear again.... Sorry too many messages to know where to look and it might not have been Bill but I've definitely seen that reported before on this site.
From an IT perspective it sounds as though the information is being transferred from one file to another. Think of the unauthorised list as a wait queue. Once approved the data will be transferred to another file for update (removing it from the first file) but may need an overnight batch run in order to transfer it over completely to the approved file.
It used to be that way with hole in the wall machines knowing your current balance after you had made a withdrawal (so that you could not take more than your daily allowance) but not being able to show you your balance until the following day after the master files had been updated overnight.
In short, if it's disappeared I suspect that it will appear as approved tomorrow.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Yep, twas me but it was for PAYE and it required HMRC tech intervention to get them back. Everything appeared OK from their side, just didn't show on mine.
I've had exactly the same problem as you regarding SA authorisation, I tried to set myself up as an agent for a client and it didn't recognised my long awaited agent number either. I ended up logging on as the client and completing it that way and haven't had an opportunity to try another client yet but I have a pessimistic feeling, that all will not be well.
that's two of us that think that it was Bill and two guesses make it a fact!
I've really got to learn to type faster. My two fingers and a thumb technique seldom get me pole position on the answers!
Have a good one,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I've not been around much for a week or so and now I've got so many unread messages that most of them are going to have to stay that way!
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
And as we have had confirmation from the man himself it must have been so. Isn't it a bit sad that we can remember details such as this but then to put a positive spin on it I guess that it shows that we have good attention to detail.
Expect you are a semi happy bunny now there's blue (tinged with yellow) at no. 10
I forgot to say, although when I tried to authorise as an agent it didnt' recognise my number, in my list of services i can offer on the "My HMRC" page, Self Assessment is shown.
Perhaps we should petition D. Cameron for an improved service from HMRC
PS I must type faster too, started this as you responded
-- Edited by Wella on Wednesday 12th of May 2010 12:05:01 PM
it's very sad what I can remember and very frustrating what I forget.
If I fail an ACCA exam then six months later it's almost like learning it again from scratch and yet I can remember who made which post... I really need a better brain!
Hi Bill,
I'm a very, very happy little bunny at the moment.
Personally I don't mind the guardian readers bringing a bit of balance to things as conflicting views often make for more robust policies.
The only issue that I can see with the arrangement is that we need action now to resolve 13 years of mismanagement and with a coalition in place the process may be slowed considerably.
I read a poster once about Rome that I thought was excellent.
"Rome wasn't built by having meetings... It was built by killing all those who opposed it!".
That approach worked for Elizabeth the first as well.
Mmm, perhaps not. Conservative as I am even I think that might be just a bit too drastic for the modern world. (lol).
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Oh I don't know think it would be a good idea. It got to a point on Monday when I was all for beheading the lot of them and sticking their heads on pikes outside Westminster. Still it makes for interesting times.
Nothing says listen to me like a blood drenched head on a spike! (To quote Stewie Griffin).
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I for one am all for it, I.D. cards, checkpoints and heads on spikes, micro management of all the people, these will be part of my manifesto when my party starts up in the next few years, even decided on a name for it suggested bya friend of mine, The Common Sense party.
Whilst we're on the subject just a quickie to throw in, how does having an MP for womans equal rights and not having one for mens equal rights equate to equality?
It doesn't Steve, although a woman, I think this equality for women mania has gone far too far. Employment law, especially for married/pregnant women, is just not feasible for small companies and has the result that although they may be good at the job they will not be employed - only the multi-nationals and the public sector can afford to hire them. Mindst it has a knock on effect on those of my generation who are in demand with small companies!
-- Edited by semsley on Wednesday 12th of May 2010 05:55:25 PM