V quick history- sold my business in Sept09 started studying AAT and registered as Book-Keeper from home in the hope of picking up some clients as I study.(I also now do work for a couple of local accontants)I went by the book and registered for ML got PI and ensured I only complete work I am restricted to do. Today I got a call from the inland Revenue to come and check my accounts and procedures are in order! In fairness the guy was really ok to chat to and he said that it was not an investigation but an educational visit. Well, happily I have no skeletons in the old cupboard, so if it's an educational visit perhaps there may be some questions I could fire at him if anyone has any!!
sounds as though you're doing everything by the book which will no doubt annoy them.
Just keep them supplied with chocolate hob nobs in and you'll be fine.
Best of luck,
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