I have at last had my Laptop fixed tonight over heating fan from the another thread I started the other day, looking good so far!
The problem is I have alot of Excel spreadsheets especially for one client, now I run Excel 2003 and am very happy with it, and the others that send me the spreadsheets are also in the same 2003, so it was no problem what so ever. After having got my laptop back all my spreadsheets despite being saved in 2003 now open in 2007, which I don't have. I had a trial version/ student version when I bought the machine from comet, but have never bought it or registered etc, anyway it will eventually let me open the spreadsheets after telling me that I should have a licence etc but can do no alterations to them or print them either. Even when I opened up an excel 2003 sheet and put something on it and they saved it in 2003 mode when I went to open it back up it goes into 2007 which is no good too me. So please can someone help me get it back to 2003 mode, I know it is probably simple and I have fiddled for the last hour to no avail, so please help me!!!! When it opens in 2007 it says its in Compatilbilty mode. I have the 2003 word and excel package on here so why won't they open in it????
My main client is excel based and the spreadsheets go between 4 of us so its imperative that they are in 2003 mode and can be altered according to the work provided.
Sorry for the long winded bit I'm in a tiss about it!!!!
Good news I am running a scan and touch would its not crashing like last week, and they said the fan wasn't working properly and had dust in it. (so thanks guys for info last week).
Many thanks Amanda
-- Edited by Amanda on Monday 24th of May 2010 09:09:48 PM
For some reason when I have gone in to open with then save it in a default programme, the excel 2003 doesn't appear to be there although I still have an icon etc to open it. When I save it on there it doesn't appear to be there.
When I have gone it to the Programmes the word 2003 and excel 2003 is missing etc, but the publisher 2003 is still there. I am getting frustrated now and can't do any work!!!!!!!
Will I need to re-install my disc?????
Please someone help me!!!! (Blonde in distress)!!!!
I'm no expert myself, thats for sure, but I was going to suggest you uninstall the trial version of office 2007 and then your sheets would have to open in 2003. But now it sounds as though thats dissapeared so I would probably try and reinstall 2003 with the disc.
Unfortunately Shaun & co go to bed a lot earlier than me, but no doubt they will help tomorrow!!
If I right click it will open in 2007 which is strange. It was set by default to open in 2003 which is what we all use for my main client.
They,ve fixed the over heating problem which is great, but now this is my problem. Luckily I have found the disc with the code so will put it back on. So frustrating.
Denise, I had thought about unistalling 2007 but I'm pretty sure my outlook express e-mails are the 2007 version that I use, thats because I set that up when I first got the laptop long before I had 2003 excel put on. I have the whole office package to put on. Was getting annoyed last night! I am going to ring them this morning and ask them what they have done.
sorry, only just got to this message. (what a slacker I am today).
Your machines just assuming that all Excel documents have 2007 as default to open them. We could change that but we'll go for another approach.
Can I assume that you still have both 2003 and 2007 on your machine?
In 2007 you saved the document as an Excel 97-03 document?
Rather than opening the document, go to Excel 2003 (it might reinstall some it's own components. Don't worry about this, both versions are still there but they don't work together too well due to shared components).
Once 2003 is open find the version of the document saved in 97-2003 and open it (there will be two copies of the document, one as Microsoft office Excel Worksheet and the other as Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003).
Now provided that there was no fancy Excel 2007 formatting you have your document in classic format in Excel 2003 but it wouldn't hurt to save it one more time from Excel 2003 just to make sure.
Hope that this helps, let me know if you have any further problems,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I have now sorted it out, I did what you said but it wouldn't open anything in 2003 so anyway the engineer who fixed it came back out and we unintalled 2007, as it was a student version which I hadn't registered anyway and now everything is back to normal and it found 2003 OK. I was in panic mode last night as my main client is excel based (he design his system) and it goes between 4 of us and we are all on 2003. (I did have a back up to load on another machine of I had to).
Many thanks, just love this forum, if in panic post on this forum, someone is always there to help.
When it comes to Excel it's just so frustrating as if I was sitting there a few clicks and I could have it doing handstands for you but remote fixing you just know that there's going to be some little foible that it's got that stops a standard answer fixing everything.
Tesco have got the Student and Home edition of Office 2007 at £57 at the moment (which is probably cheaper than registering the trial version) and I know that you can get it to co-exist with previous versions as that's the setup that I've got. (Had to upgrade because I kept getting .DOCX files that I couldn't open (so enforcing the Microsoft tax)).
Anyway, main thing is that you can get at your data now.
Talk later,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.