I was wondering if anybody could offer some advice please?
I currently work for a small charity as a Finance Officer, I basically do everything from payroll to monthly accounts.
A situation has arisen where I may be registering as self employed and doing this work on a self employed basis. The work will remain the same.
My question is, will I need to register under the money laundering regulations as I will be administering the payroll? I'm fine with registering as self employed just unsure with regards to the MLR. I can't find a phone number to call, only an address and I could do with getting this sorted asap.
It's my belief that you would need cover, however, rather than talking with HMRC have a chat with the ACCA about as a fully qualified member whether you are covered by them for MLR already.
As a PQ I have cover via membership of the ICB. I know that you were thinking of that route but neither of them (ICB and ACCA) recognise each others qualifications as far as exemptions go.
If you do need cover and the ACCA don't cover you, you could get FIAB membership by total exemption which may prove cheaper than the HMRC route when you also take the PII saving into account.
Just suggestion but something else worth thinking about.
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