Im stuck in the dark ages. I mentioned S419 a while back and you corrected me. I came across this the other day aswell when someone said S419 had changed.
Can you remember what its now called etc. I'll have a look on HMRC website later and hopefully find it but i hate research!
Forgive the typo's I generally do not proof read. Just lazy I guess!
It's now at Chapter 3, Part 10, Corporation Tax Act 2010. This main charging provision is at Section 455 but parts of the old S419 are also at the new Sections 456, 458 and 459.
(I wouldn't describe you as stuck in the dark ages: I used to have colleagues who quoted ITA56 long even after ICTA70 had been by replaced ICTA88! And I shall probably continue to refer to 419 for many years to come.)
My apologies for posting before introducing myself properly. I'll post a proper "Hello" later this week.
It's been a pleasant surprise to have found this forum; it seems so much more civil than some of the other ones I've used and contributed to in the past.
on the grounds that I may not be on site when you post your proper intro just want to get my welcome to our merry little throng in now.
Yep, we're a pretty freindly and welcoming bunch on here (despite what one poster thought last week).
I've actually seen what happens to bookkeepers who inadvertantly post a question over on accounting web that they think is below them and its not pretty is it!
After saying that though there's a lot of very, very clever bunnies over there so we forgive them the savaging of the odd newbie who wandered onto the wrong site.
Anyway, welcome to the site andhope to talk soon,
All the best,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I did well and didn't reply to some of those directed specifically at me.
Have fun!
On the themes front how about :
Life on Mars
Cowboys (we almost went down that path a month back but the fear of losing Amanda's picture overrode that one).
... I'll just read the rest of todays messages and them come back to this thread.
Talk in a bit,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.