I have an IT contractor who I do both the book-keeping and accounts for. He's asked if I can change the software I use to do his books (currently QuickBooks) to an online software so he can access and review his accounts when he wants.
I'm not against changing if its what the client wants so I'm looking for a cost effective solution thats quick to learn and use. An associate of his has recommended KashFlow. I've had a look at the website and it looks ok.
Does anyone use KashFlow and would you recommend it. Happy to consider alternatives.
I would advocate Kashflow, it's great software and very straight forward to use. You may also be interested in our software, The Online Bookkeeper which is very similar to Kashflow except you can try it for 90 days for free via me and I can be on hand for support, help and if you have any questions.
Either software would be great for you and it's good to hear your client is forward thinking and looking to use up to date technology where he can access his accounts anywhere in the world.
Yes, we have a client who uses it and it works no problem. They enter their sales invoices in it, we do the purchase invoices and bank statements, works well.
We have a lot of our clients on KashFlow and they sing it's praises. However, different programmes suit different people. If you would like me to set you up on a free 60 day trial of KashFlow so you can see for yourself, please let me know.
We are also able to offer a discount on the full price if you are interested.
Thanks for the responses. Had a further look at the KashFlow website with my client today and he's very keen so I'll probably sign up over the next week or so.