I've redesigned a service invoice template to meet my client's needs BUT when I print an invoice out after the details I've entered in the Description I get Standard Sales printed underneath. This doesn't show anywhere on the invoice and I can't see anything on a preview when I've redesigned the template.
Anyone know how I can get rid of these two words? I can't find anything on the help.
Is it picking up an item description? WHen I raise my invoices my service item 1 is Bookkeeping Services which automatically populates the description field with this text which I then have to overtype...just a thought
I'm on 2008 and I've had a look on mine this morning as I did my own invoices and customised them to suit and I can't find anything on mine where an extra line would be. I know its a pain but would it be worth recreating it again and saving the copy in a different name, like service invoice2 or something like that? Is QB geting confused with another template and perhaps mixing the 2 up? What about going back into the inv and when it says save a copy change the name maybe? Can't think of anything else at the moment.
It's really weird because if you do a preview of the template their is nothing in the description.
I've looked at the item list and there's nothing there the only item I have created is one called fees under a heading of trading income. I have typed in the description "fees for the period date - date" and the rate etc then when I either preview it or print it - it has the fees etc then immediately underneath Standard Sales.
Nothing whatsoever is shown on the invoice creation so I can't delete it.
Just a thought....bearing in mind that I know nothing about designing templates in QB, only had a brief look at it....but could it be something that is hidden behind something else...like in MS Word where you can "bring to front" or "send to back"? It might be hidden in the print preview but come out when you print it?