Hi - I have a Client with about 700 Customers who wants to know the last date each of them were invoiced (some Customers have been dormant for a few years).
I have generated a Customer Invoice report, exported it to Excel and sorted it by Client Account Ref with a veiw to deleting all bar the most recent entry for each Client. But this is a massive spreadsheet and I was hoping someone might be able to suggest a quicker way of extracting the info from Sage please!
Hi, have you tried opening more columns using right mouse click? customers - click on heading and you will find additional columns. You can then download the customer list to excel using file / office integration.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That is such a good tip, thank you , thank you, thank you!!!!!! I love it! And it has exactly the info I need on it! (However I spent an hour in Excel doing it manually yesterday!)
No problem, glad to be of help - such an easy answer too. You can right mouse click in quite a few areas - so handy - and download lots to excel via the file button. good luck with playing.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900
As it's Sunday, and the forum is usually quiet, I will answer for you.
It's the columns on the opening screen of the Customer module. If you right click on the column titles, you get a drop down list of additional information, you can view by "ticking" the relevany item (or conversely, remove itemsa)
Hi Neil - I've not got sage open in front of me so forgive me if I'm a bit vague - In Customers with your view as the Customer List, right click on the headings of the columns (ie account ref, account name, Balance etc) then I got up a list of other columns that could be added to the view, and tick the ones you want. You may need to drag some of the columns to be narrower to get the benefit of the new columns (or just scroll right to see them). Hope you can decipher this!