I know how this has come about. I just don't know how to fix it.
A Sales invoices was raised in Euros.
It should have been cancelled but instead it was marked as paid.
Payment then cancelled.
Invoice then cancelled.
...and now the balance on that customer reads zero euros and £1,000 in credit in GBP (it was a large invoice). The difference being generated by Sage and posted to its Currency REVAL account.
I managed to manipulate the figures to read zero by posting a Sales Invoice and a Sales Credit note and changing the currency transfer rates and then everything reads zero, but as soon as I go into Customer Receipts and allocate the invoice, the anomoly appears again--even if I state that the currency transfer rate is 1:1!
Anybody got any ideas please? In effect, all I need to do is cancel the SC (in GBP) raised by Sage in its REVAL process, but Sage won't let me do that. Many thanks.
Okay--I have the answer. It's not a very good one but here goes.
The problem was generated by Sage. When the transactions were cancelled, Sage should have cancelled the REVAL SC it generated automatically, but it didn't. Apparently this is not uncommon and Sage agreed to fix it for me if I sent them my data and £395 + VAT!
The solution was...
Enter a sales invoice for 100 Euros with an exchange rate that equalled the amount in sterling plus £100.
Enter a Sales Credit note for 100 Euros on a 1:1 exchange rate (=£100).
At this point the account has a balance of zero GBP and zero Euro and it remains that way as long as you don't go into Banking and allocate the items against each other. If you do, the problem comes back. In this instance, I therefore marked the Sales account as not to be used again and will ignore the unallocated items.
This is all such a great shame. Sage revalues the bank accounts beautifully. If it had an option to revalue the debtors and creditors it would be perfect, but it doesn't so it isn't.