Just wanted to pick your brains to see what everyone thinks about the best way to name a bookkeeping or accountancy practice.
I have been reading losts of articles online and some schools of thought are that it should be your surname or full name, which is a very traditional approach. Alternatively you can try to think of something that perspective clients will remember, for example 'Crunch' who were recently mentioned on the forum, this seems to be a more branded approach.
I can't decide if I prefer the traditional or branded name, what does everybody think is best and why?
I changed my business name to The VAT Lady from Runciman Hughes Associates because whenever I am introduced it is usually "this is Ann Hughes she is The VAT Lady" or I am greeted "you must be the VAT Lady". So I call my business by what I am known as.
As RHA I could have been anybody, undertaker, solicitor etc
I am caught between using my surname with "accountancy" and trying to think of something clever to describe my offering of acocuntancy and tax services.
I think i'll have a good old brainstorm and see what I can come up with.
Naming is a very important element of your marketing and I am very impressed with Ann's branding.
Note to Ann....if you are interested in exploring strategies to leverage your knowledge let me know, I am always looking for interesting people to work with.
Don't have the word associates in the name unles you actually have associates. I fell foul of the rules of my supervisory body with that one and ended up having to change the name of the company.
Don't have thje word Pheonix in your name. Apparently big flashing lights and sirens go off at HMRC when they come accross that name as it implies risen from the ashes, i.e. previously defunct so straight to the top of any list of pending investigations...
Actually, I got that last bit of info whilst inspectors still had some power. Now investigations are all chosen by computer so I don't know how valid that info still is.
kind regards,
P.S. I've gone for a traditional sounding practice name to fit in with the traditional accountants image that I'm looking to portray to clients (not quite log tailed jackets and pen and parchment but not far off, lol). Nothing against other approaches but I've found that a good many clients just want accountants who look and sound and act as they believe that accountants should. That's the market that I'm aiming at.
Bobs approach is aimed at a slightly different demographic but I think that both approaches have their merits.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I use my initials followed by bookkeeping services, or increasingly now bookkeeping and accountancy services. I think there are 4 main ways to name your business. Bob's way of going for something a bit different. At the other end of the spectrum is Shauns way of going traditional and then there are those who go with our names, initials or town we're based. The last is naming it after the market you're targeting like "taxi accountants", but this makes it difficult to expand.
My image is meant to be of the typical tax person although apparently I am nothing like a tax specilaist in my manner and the way that I come across when met. That is not to say that the rotweiler doesn't appear when fighting an issue.
I work with accountants as an additional resource. So if you have any VAT & Customs issues that you need adnice on, please contact me ann@thevatlady.co.uk
Think that I'm being a bit stupid this afternoon. Not actually sure what you were answering?
Are you sure that the reply was to the right person?
kind regards,
p.s. just for reference unless you are the only VAT or Customs trainer in town your strap line is in breach of section 250 of the IFAC code of ethics for professional accountants as use of the word "best" is very subjective.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I didn't want my name in my practice name so I chose something that would make people think... Solus means the only or alone, something not many people know. So when they ask me what it means it starts a conversation about why I called my company what I did, much more memorable that if the conversation ended with "thanks for thw businesa card".
Please correct me if I'm wrong... I am only human sucking up knowledge... Sometimes bits leak out!
I went with the same idea Nikki did, I didn't want my name in the buiness title and so spent about 2 weeks trying to com up with something else to name it. I had about 5-7 ideas but everytime i checked to see if anyone had the same name I fell foul of 'someone beat me to it!' lol Things Abbacus bookkeeping, balancing act, counting, think outside the box for your name. All the standard names have been taken; which is why i ended up with Back to Black Bookkeeping. It starts a conversation up when someone asks why that name, and its accounting related.
I have had to stress though 'getting you back into the black is NOT a given' in fact when my website goes live I'll ask that that disclaimer goes on the front page! lol