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Post Info TOPIC: Software Package for Charity Accounts


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Software Package for Charity Accounts
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Hi all This is my first question to be posted on the Book Keepers Forum . I am a trustee for a charity which is using Sage Line 50, but we are not convinced by it, as whilst income can be split separately, expenditure can not. Could you please advise of any alternative software packages that could be used to show different funding stream income and expenditure. Many thanks Paul


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Hi Paul,

I'm no lover of Sage but as you have already invested, before looking at changing package have you thought of setting up the different funding streams as separate departments with their own income and expenditure?

Just a suggestion and sure that others will be along imminently to fill out further details of that as an option (for true separation I believe you need 50+ but I'm sure that you should be able to resolve the issue with departments in 50).

kind regards,


p.s. welcome to the forum.



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Hi Paul, like Shamus I too am not a lover of Sage and currently recommend

3rd Sector Digital accounting software for Charities 

The main reason is its accessed online, so if someone else need to access it (especially if the person updating it changes) handover is really easy, although it does have failities for additional logins with different control levels.  It also has a Gift aid Module.


BKN Book-keeper of the year 2011

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