It might not be coming up because there might not be any historical files saved.
The files Sage saves are just PDFs of the bank reconciliation at the point you click reconcile, and show the transactions 'ticked' on that reconciliation. It can be turned off (and on) via the Settings menu, Bank Defaults entry - the tick box is labelled "Create Bank Reconciliation PDF". If you look, you may find that in this case it is switched off (unticked).
If it's enabled/ticked, then - since the history consists just of files, presented to you using the normal Windows filer when you click View History - it may very well be that someone has simply deleted the files, or a backup from one computer/installation restored on another lacked those files.
If you need to, you can search the audit trail on the bank reconciled date, and produce reports from that - so it's possible to piece together the historical bank reconciliations if necessary, but how much effort that is depends on the company and what's there - hence the emphasis on the two words: if necessary.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Thanks for the quick reply , I googled my problem and found the solution you suggest,
but when I look in Bank defaults, there is no option to "create Bank Reconciliation PDF".
I have also searched my folders to try to find the PDFs, but no luck .....
I've a vague memory that the option used to be somewhere else when the facility was first introduced - so it may be that your version of the software is one with it elsewhere.
I can't remember where it was originally, though!
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
When you backup you can do partial backups eg Data only.
The old bank reconciliation reports are PDF files stored in a directory.
If you have not got those in the backup ie included "files" then they will not be in the data you restored.
For day to day use Data only is fine as a basic minimalist backup.
I would exclude only Archives, Reports and Layouts, these are the big files that rarely change.
I would do occasional separate backups without any data of Just reports/layouts and archives. you can then restore just reports without anything else over an existing data set at a later point if needed.
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
Thanks for that, Bruce, but it still doesn't explain why I can't see the history immediately after
I have done the reconciliation, which is what I would like to be able to do .....
If you can not see the history after running it on that machine, then there are 2 common issues.
1. The option is switched off Settings>Bank Defaults>General section look for Bank Reconcilliation PDF flag.
2. The PDF generator is broken. You can test this by printing a report to preview and then exporting as a pdf format, if sage can generate it then it is working. This only really happens if you run old sage software on new 64 bit operating systems. There are updates you can download to fix this from
-- Edited by BruceDenney on Thursday 4th of September 2014 01:14:01 PM
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice - Bruce cracked it, had to update
Report Designer to get it to create PDF's with Windows 7, so everything is now working as it should.