1.I would like to ask you for help so that I understand clearly what is this all about. When I thought about buying software I thought about buying cd so that I can download this software on my hard drive and use this software for whatever purpose. I went to sage webpage and I think they just sell online access to this software so that for 25 pounds you can use this software online. It is probably not software in the form of cd. If you need this software next month again you have to pay 25 pounds again. Am I right?
link here:
2.I have already bought interesting book for learning sage 50 . Probably in order to do some exercises it is worth paying 25 a month and have an opportunity to practice stuff described in a book?
3. Let's say I want to buy software in the form of cd and want to pay once and want to use this software forever without additional payments. What options do I have?
4. I would like to search for job as a person who inserts data into the system. Do you think that only people who are certified software users have some chances for employment as data entry people?
4a. Do you think that people who have no documented education in accountancy field can be data entry assistants in companies?
-- Edited by rafapak on Wednesday 3rd of September 2014 08:10:29 PM
Data entry can in practice be done by anyone, and unfortunately employed tend to use anyone to do it.
Using any accounting system properly also calls for accounting knowledge.
What happens in the market place is that people listing skill such as data entry experiance with Sage win out over people with accounting experiance and no experiance of Sage. It is wrong, but that is the world we live in, from your perspective, putting it down will help you get a job and having accounting knowledge will help you keep the job.
You could also look to your local college, many run evening courses that are low cost.
If I were looking for someone, In terms of software use I would look for flexibility above all else, and the listing of multiple different packages on a CV would rank highly for me. I would also want to establish if they understood what they were doing with accounts, either qualifications or some demonstration of knowledge at interview.
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.