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Post Info TOPIC: Sage instant Bank Reconciliation

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Sage instant Bank Reconciliation
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Having received excellent advice about being able to report Bank Reconciliation history,

I now have another problem on a different Bank account - the box which says "no bank reconciliation"

is greyed out, but I want to do a reconciliation, and reconciiations have been done previously.

Is there any way of changing it so that the reconciliation can be done again. (I'm wondering if this is

something to do with the account I'm trying to reconcile being the default cash register account, but when 

I try to make another account the cash register account, I get a message "Bank 1235 has un-deposited transactions.

Before it can be changed, these transactions must be deposited.") Anyone any idea how to get round this?



Eunice Cubbage

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As you were, I've figured it out !

Thanks anyway....


Eunice Cubbage

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Love it when people answer there own questions - wish I could do that, lol.



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position


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Bucks Bodger wrote:

As you were, I've figured it out !

Thanks anyway....

 So what did you do? You can't leave us hanging.......


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AFAIK the 1235 cannot be set to bank rec and you can't change it either. I wrote a little tool to change it, so I too would like to know the fix that doesn't need a tool.


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Funnily enough I have this same account to reconcile too! It took Bucks under 11 minutes to find a work around so I would be very interested in this


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Sorry, only just seen the later messages.

I don't have access to the computer that this problem was on at the moment, but
if I remember correctly I changed the cash register account to a different number (one that we have never used)
and then having done that I was able to uncheck the box in 1235 which was saying no Bank reconciliation.

I will try to remember to see if I can work out what I did when I have access to the client;s computer again,
in case that's not what I did at all!

Watch this space .....


Eunice Cubbage

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