My question refers to VT TRANSACTION+ software. Is it true that you must have regular excell installed on your hard drive if you want to download VT TRANSACTION+ from their website? I don't have office downloaded on my hard drive. All I have is openoffice calc. Is it enough to download VT TRANSACTION+ ?
For VT transaction+ and VT Cashbook you do not need to have Excel on your machine. They are completely stand alone bits of software.
For VT Accounts you do need Excel as that product is an Excel add on.
Bookkeepers should not need VT Accounts as even if they file accounts the P&L and B/S that you can produce the VT+ should be sufficient.
You can get a two month completely free trial of VT Transaction+ from their website. Its the fully functional version, no catches, no credit card. Just download it and try it for free.
Many people like it but some, like Michelle (Foxy) who are used to Sage don't like it as it is quite different to Sage.
Have fun,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I use it with LibreOffice (almost the same as OpenOffice), and don't have any problems.
I also lived, breathed, sold, supported and worked with Sage for about 15 years, and now use VT! If I used Sage and Excel I'd have even less money in the bank!!!!
I think that you must have missed my reply above. Easy to do as that mid thread advertisment can throw readers.
Hope that you are having a good day,
kind regards,
-- Edited by Shamus on Friday 7th of November 2014 09:30:42 AM
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.