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Post Info TOPIC: Urgent help required - Sage 50 Payroll (starting mid year)


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Urgent help required - Sage 50 Payroll (starting mid year)
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Just taken over from another bookkeeper and have to process the wages by tomorrow. I was given the stuff Friday and then some more on Sunday. Problem isn't with the bookkeeper though - it is actually with Sage 50 Payroll. The wages are for Thursday - but they need processed by Tuesday for faxing to bank so they are paid on the Thursday.

Because I am starting mid-year I am having year to date values to add - except one employee had a previous employment and it isn't letting me add the previous employment to the Year To Date values. It has n/a.

I tried adding it via a starter form but it doesn't show up in the YTD box.

Please help. This is driving me mad because of the urgency.


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Is it all the boxes for previous employment that have n/a or just the total gross pay and gross pay for NIC?



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Here's the box I'm getting.



EDIT : I'm such a panic just now I could just have answered yes.

-- Edited by Peasie on Monday 8th of December 2014 06:27:36 PM


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I think, although I hope someone else can say yes or no, but you only have to enter the Gross Pay for Tax and Tax paid in the previous employment boxes. I don't think NIC's are included on a P45 as they aren't based on previous earnings like PAYE - they are just taken off when you are paid so long as it's over the relevant weekly/monthly thresholds, so the Total Gross Pay (used to work out NIC's and Gross Pay for NIC's from a previous employer aren't needed.

But I haven't really done payroll in quite a while so I'm more than welcome to be corrected, but I think you're ok.


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Don't panic! I agree that there is no need to have anything in this box. I haven't used Sage payroll for a while, only Pegasus, but I can't see why Sage would have additional requirements on this one so just leave it as nil.




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That was driving me mad. I think that's it sorted now. It now doesn't help the reports I'm getting the details from use different terminology for the national insurance fields. It used to be so much simpler when HMRC had printed manuals. Even PDFs of the manuals would be a help but now we've got a next to useless .
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e etc
Now I've got
Gross to LEL
Gross to ST
Gross to PT
Gross to UAP
Gross over UEL

At least the Sage P11s still give you the 1a 1b 1c as well as these daft descriptions.

Thanks for your help.


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Glad you got it sorted Peasie. They still pop the tables online they're just really well hidden on the website - which is really helpful. Here's the link to them if it helps:



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Do you know if they've still got hidden the guides to SSP and SMP etc?
Or have they done away with them completely?

I really could do with buying a payroll manual - I hate having to spend ages clicking left, right and centre through websites. I'd rather just thumb my way through an A4 booklet. And I mean a paper version - not one of these kindle type things.


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Hi Peasie

The tables are discontinued now, but there is a very kind organisation has reproduced the figures. I'm not affiliated in any way but think this might be what you're looking for. Am I allowed to post a link to another site ? Do I need to pm it to Shaun for approval?




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It isn't really the tables I'm after - it is the guides as the ones currently on the website are hopeless.

You could always just post them and if Shaun considers it spam I guess he'll delete it - but it doesn't sound like spam.


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Hi Peasie

If it might help you, I have all the guides for 2013-14. The figures wouldn't be current but loads of (still) relevant info. Employer Helpbook E14, SSP is 68 pages long and explains all the linking rules etc. but the actual dates etc would be last year's. Also have same series of Helpbooks for SMP, SAP, OASPP, Student Loans, etc. If those would be useful I could email them to you.

Hopefully Shaun will advise soon. I am still new to the forum and I thought we're not supposed to post links without Shaun checking? I could email the link to you?





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To be honest - I was actually away looking for even older paper copies as most of the info would still be relevant - just in an easier format. You can email the link to me if you want - I'd much rather it was posted on here as well (if allowed) just in case it's useful to anyone else.

There's nothing I hate more than when a forum post is taken offline and no one else gets to benefit. Actually there is something I hate more - peacocks.


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Lol. Why do you hate poor peacocks? Hope it's one of your funny stories.

Is there somewhere I can upload the Employer Helpbooks to so that you or anyone can have access to them? I guess some of them will be the last ever. How crazy to stop publishing, they were so useful. Good luck with your new payroll client.


Edit: Actually, probably can't make them available on site as somebody might rely on them, not realising figures are not current. Happy to send to anyone individually that might benefit from the general guidance included.

-- Edited by HellsBells on Tuesday 9th of December 2014 02:36:14 AM


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Hi Peasie

Here you go. All approved. Hope it helps.

Let me know where to send the helpbooks


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