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Post Info TOPIC: Capital Allowance on car

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Capital Allowance on car
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This is just a curiosity question.

Client has a car which at first I didn't include in accounts because I thought he had sold it same tax year.  Turns out it was a couple of months later so I've included it.

Value is 1400 and its over 160 g/km so 8% special rate pool.  Calculates at £112 less 25% personal use so £84.00

Plugged that figure into capital allowance on tax return expecting it to alter the figures by £84.00 and it alters them by £22.38

For my own sanity is that right or have I done something wrong?




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Hi John,

Not sure on the reasoning for not initially including it. Anyway especially as there was doubt about dates, that would be a good place to double check - dates when you introduced the vehicle - accounting and basis period dates.

£22.38 is almost a 5th of £112 if that helps. If you have any printouts pre- introduction of car, then cross check if anything else has changed.




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Hi John

When you say its only altered the figures by £22.38, do you mean its altered the tax/NIC liabilty, or, the profit figure??


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Don Tax wrote:

Hi John,

Not sure on the reasoning for not initially including it. Anyway especially as there was doubt about dates, that would be a good place to double check - dates when you introduced the vehicle - accounting and basis period dates.

£22.38 is almost a 5th of £112 if that helps. If you have any printouts pre- introduction of car, then cross check if anything else has changed.


 A full year claimed (Car was introduced April 2013 at start of business - sold May 2014) but irrelevant anyway, all HMRC know is that I put £84 in the capital allowances box.

Nothing else has changed.  If I take the £84 back out of capital allowances, it alters the tax payable figure by £24.36  (apologies, I was doing it from memory before)




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John, you get "relief" on the £84, not a tax deduction of £84 -

£84 bring a tax deduction of £16.80 (£84 x 20%)
£84 brings an NI deduction of £7.56 (£84 x 9%)

Thats your £24.36 tax reduction


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FoxAccountancyServices wrote:

Hi John

When you say its only altered the figures by £22.38, do you mean its altered the tax/NIC liabilty, or, the profit figure??

Post deleted as Michelle as explained.

-- Edited by 111 Bookkeeping and Payroll on Monday 19th of January 2015 03:48:50 PM



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FoxAccountancyServices wrote:

John, you get "relief" on the £84, not a tax deduction of £84 -

£84 bring a tax deduction of £16.80 (£84 x 20%)
£84 brings an NI deduction of £7.56 (£84 x 9%)

Thats your £24.36 tax reduction

 Sanity restored  I thought that the relief was already taken into account when they only allow you 8/18% of the cost.  Thanks Michelle.



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